Patients suffering from glaucoma, adopt these 4 Ayurvedic remedies, relief can be found in the problem

When the intraocular pressure of our eyes increases then this condition is called glaucoma. This is a very serious problem. In this condition, there is a change in the retina of our eyes, especially the optic nerve. To avoid this, you should keep getting your eyes checked from time to time. If you want to have glaucoma, you can also take the help of Ayurvedic remedies. These measures can reduce the pressure in the eyes of glaucoma patients and at the same time protect their eyes to a great extent. Let us know in detail about the Ayurvedic treatment of Glaucoma.

Ayurvedic treatment for Glaucoma :

Treat glaucoma only on the advice of a doctor. This is a dangerous disease that also poses a risk of loss of eyesight, so do not take any risk in its treatment.

1. Punarnava powder is beneficial :

Punarnava powder is very beneficial in keeping our eyes healthy. Its consumption reduces the pressure of our eyes, as well as improves the condition of the eyes.

2. Benefits of Triphala Churna :

Ayurvedic doctors tell that Triphala churna is beneficial for our eyes. Triphala churna is very helpful in removing problems related to eyes. Triphala can also be used in diseases like glaucoma. If you want, you can consume Triphala powder with water or soak Triphala in a glass of water overnight and wash your eyes with this water in the morning. This gives relief to your eyes.

3. Do Anulom-Vilom every day :

You should avoid doing complex postures if you have glaucoma. In this disease you can practice Anulom-Vilom. Apart from this, you can also do simple asanas. But there are some yoga-asanas like Shirshasan, Sarvagasana, which increase the pressure in your eyes, so do not use these asanas at all.

4. Avoid taking liquids at night :

Ayurvedic doctors tell that people suffering from glaucoma should not consume liquids at night. If the amount of water in our body remains high, then the condition of glaucoma can worsen and the pressure in our eyes can increase.

Disclaimer: This list is for general knowledge only. You must consult your doctor for more information .


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