Rosemary tea: see how to prepare and drink benefits

Rosemary tea: see how to prepare and drink benefits

Rosemary is a very common herb in cooking due to the flavor it gives to preparations. But another very common use is as a tea. The drink promises to bring several health benefits, such as a booster in immunity, as it has nutrients and has antioxidant action. Learn more about the benefits of including rosemary tea in your diet:

What is rosemary tea?

What are the benefits?

What is rosemary tea for?

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What does Rosemary cure?

How to prepare rosemary tea?

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Contraindication: who can't drink rosemary tea?

Is it bad for the heart?

Can someone with high blood pressure drink rosemary tea?

What is rosemary tea?

Rosemary tea is a drink consumed by those who like the taste and seek health benefits. The herb Rosmarinus officinalis, belonging to the Lamiaceae family, has antioxidant (helping in the prevention of premature aging, for example) and antimicrobial properties.

In addition, it has nutrients such as vitamins C and E, allies of tissue health and strength, such as skin, hair and nails.

The drink can be prepared with the dried herb, purchased at health food stores, but even sachet versions (sold in supermarkets) or supplements are now available.

Especially supplements (powder or capsule) are very versatile and practical options for those who want to invest in the medicinal use of the plant, because it promises to be beneficial for good memory, disposition and energy, strengthening immunity, liver protection, diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent. -inflammatory.

Despite being able to help in these aspects, the beneficial activities are mainly derived from the antioxidant action, so it helps to protect the body's cells.

But it is worth stressing that, if consumed in excess, the drink can also bring risks and intoxication, leading to drowsiness, gastroenteritis, irritation and nervousness, for example.

What are the benefits?

There are several benefits associated with consuming rosemary tea. Its medicinal use is closely related to the antioxidant properties and nutrients present in the plant, which are the phenolic compounds.

Its phenolic compounds (which are chemical structures present in vegetables) found in plant extracts, such as phenolic diterpenes, flavonoids and phenolic acids and nutrients.

These compounds are responsible for antioxidant actions, in which there is a reduction in the action of free radicals. When ingested through food, they have health benefits, as free radicals can cause changes in cells, leading to disease.

Therefore, those who include the drink in the food routine can present benefits such as:

Relief from mental and physical fatigue due to its energetic and stimulating properties;

Reduction of swelling due to its diuretic action;

Improves gastric emptying and intestinal transit due to its digestive properties;

Possible hypotensive effect (pressure reduction);

Circulation stimulant;

Reduction of menstrual and intestinal cramps due to its antispasmodic action;

Liver protection for its anti-inflammatory properties;

Anti-tumor action due to its antioxidant action;

Natural antidepressant action for its stimulant properties.

What is rosemary tea for?

Rosemary tea can be indicated for those looking for a tea, for regular consumption, or for those who want to enjoy some medicinal benefits, especially related to antioxidant actions. As free radicals (damaging to body cells) affect the entire body, the drink has several benefits:

For hair, nails and skin

Rosemary contains vitamins C and E, which are essential for healthy hair, skin and nails. With frequent drinking, it is easier to meet the needs of these nutrients. This consequently improves tissue health.

The result, then, is more strength for the wires, with less fall and breaks, in addition to stronger nails and skins too.

To sleep

Rosemary may have a beneficial action in muscle relaxation, due to its phenolic compounds. In addition, continuous consumption can reduce inflammatory actions in the body associated with pain.

Another aspect that makes the drink good for a good night's sleep is the benefits for digestion. As rosemary can help with proper intestinal and gastric functioning, there is less chance of discomfort caused by eating disturbing sleep.

All this makes the drink help in improving sleep as a result.

for depression

Rosemary features some studies related to its use for brain functioning and mental well-being. In general, the plant has properties capable of helping with mood, as it can reduce mental fatigue and mood swings.

With this, it can be helpful in the treatment of disorders such as depression, without replacing conventional treatments.

the rosemary tea


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