Rules of conduct with dogs, which should be taught to children

What rules of behavior with dogs should be taught to children


Always ask permission.


The first time you meet someone else's dog, you should always ask the owner for permission, and make sure the animal is receptive to contact and wants to say hello to you. You should not touch an unfamiliar dog without its owner's permission, nor should you force your dog to cuddle or play. If the owner allows you to get to know the dog, you should calmly walk up to the dog and let him sniff your palm, if the dog makes contact, you can gently scratch his chin, chest and neck. You don't need to pet the dog on the head.



Dogs, like humans, have their own personal space. Encourage your dog (whether he is a stranger or a pet) to play with him or give him a treat. It is up to the pet to decide whether or not to accept your invitation. If the pet shows no interest, you should leave it alone.


Don't ignore the signals your dog gives


Not always the wagging of the tail means joy, sometimes it shows that he is in a state of increased excitement. That's why it's important to know your dogs body language.


Here are some critical signals to remember:


A dog licking, yawning or squinting is a sign of discomfort. In this case, the dog should be left alone;


A dog turning its head away or turning its back is also a signal that the dog is not ready to make contact;


The dog wants to leave - do not let that by any means, holding it back by force may provoke a conflict;


The dog wags its tail, presses its ears - a sign that the animal does not like your actions at the moment. This is a polite request to leave him alone;


The dog lies on its side or back - the dog is uncomfortable, tense and stressed. This signal does not always mean the dog wants to scratch his belly;


A dog wrinkling its nose, showing its teeth and making eye contact is a direct threat and a signal that the animal will no longer tolerate your company;


A dog growling is an extreme nervous and aggressive behavioral response; if not left alone, the dog may set its teeth in motion.


Never tease a dog


Teasing is not a fun game that seems to amuse the dog. You don't need to imitate barking and teasing your dog or someone else's dog, nor should you wave your hands around and make loud noises if your dog is excited. Moreover, you should not pull the dog's tail, paws, or touch his nose. The list goes on and on. Such actions can lead to serious behavioral problems in your dog, plus the dog may bite for it.


Don't disturb your dog if he's sleeping, eating lunch, or busy with his pups


It is very dangerous to disturb the animal at these times. Such actions can be misinterpreted. The dog will think it is in danger and may become frightened or even try to defend itself.


If a dog runs towards you, don't panic.


If a dog runs towards you, you need to stand up straight and not move, "be a tree", put your feet together. You don't need to yell and run away waving your arms, nor do you need to look at the dog: dogs use eye contact to communicate, an anxious look he may see as a threat. Chances are the dog will just come up to sniff you out and walk away.


By teaching your child these simple rules, accidents can be avoided. Moreover, if you explain that you don't have to be afraid of dogs, it's important to respect their space and understand the signals they give, you will eliminate fear of animals in your child by allowing them to interact safely with their own and other people's dogs.


Five signs that should alert a dog owner


Dogs can't say in words what's bothering them and show you where it hurts. Moreover, obeying an ancient survival instinct, many of them do not show pain or weakness.


How to behave with a stranger's dog


All dogs react differently to strangers in the house: some happily welcome guests, while others prefer to hide and limit their interaction with strangers.


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I'm Maxim. Н. Universal artist striving for the best, trying to change the world as well. Peaceful skies overhead