Scotland's Only Sloths Make Their Public Debut at the Edinburgh Zoo

Two-toed sloths on a tree in Costa Rica.

 As the Edinburgh Evening News reports, Scotland's only sloths made their public debut at the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland’s Edinburgh Zoo on Monday, September 13.

The zoo's newest residents—2-year-old male Moana, or Mo for short, and 1-year-female Feira, or Fe—are settling into the recently refurbished Sloths and Armadillos building. Trees and ropes have been added to the facility to maximize space for hanging and climbing. The exhibit, which also houses two hairy armadillos named Nymeria and Diogo, aims to teach visitors about the importance of wildlife conservation in South America.

The Royal Zoological Society of Scotland is a registered wildlife charity, supporting vulnerable species both in the Edinburgh Zoo and in the wild abroad. Sloths are defenseless against many threats, but their charismatic nature gives them an advantage on the global stage.

"We hope that by welcoming this well-loved species and further developing our animal experiences, we can help visitors foster a deeper connection with nature and inspire future conservationists to better protect wildlife across the globe," Erika Oulton, senior animal experiences keeper at the Edinburgh Zoo, said in a statement.

Visiting hours at the Sloths and Armadillos building are currently limited as Mo and Fe get used to their new environment. If you can't make it to Scotland to sneak a peek at the sloths in person, you can watch them in the video below.


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