Secret Evil Evolves Within And Transforms A Woman in Come True Movie.

Demonic Possessions Can Turn A Person.

Sleepwalking, also known as somnambulism (noctambulism) is a phenomenon that occurs when you are awake and asleep at the same time. It's classified as a parasomnia (i.e., sleep disorder) in the parasomnia family. It happens during the slow wave period of sleep, when you're in a state of low consciousness, and you're doing things you'd normally do when you're awake. Sleepwalking is defined by the following characteristics:

  1. Partial arousal during non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, usually in the first third of the night, with dream material that may or may not be remembered when awake.
  2. Inconsistent motor behavior (simple or complicated) impaired perception of the environment impaired judgment, planning, and problem-solving.
  3. The sleepwalker's pupils are dilated, and their eyes are open, but they may have a glassy-eyed expression or a blank face.
  4. They are frequently disoriented after waking up: the sleepwalker may be perplexed and confused, unsure why or how they got out of bed; nevertheless, the bewilderment may disappear within minutes. 

Come True: Waking Up Its Protagonist Who Is Sleepwalking!

Waking up a sleepwalking person is prohibited by medical advice during a treatment cycle. It is considered harmful, usually. Sleepwalking is followed by Night Terror, Parasomnia, and Confusional Arousals usually; but not every patient encounters the same or in the same order, at least. The story is about a sleepwalking patient who is insomniac as discovers the same. Sara Dunn is a young woman who has a tumultuous relationship with her mother and avoids her for unknown reasons. She sneaks food from her mother's house and sleeps in a hammock outside or at friends' houses, essentially homeless. Strange, bizarre visions of a dark maze and a shadowy man with luminous eyes afflict her. Sara volunteers to be a test subject in a sleep experiment with a classified purpose because she needs money. 

The Study And The Confrontation.

Sara sleeps well at first, but after two sessions, her nightmares become more intense, and she suffers a panic attack when one of the scientists shows her a picture of the same shadowy person she had seen in her dreams. She's also concerned about the fact that the only other woman in the study has dropped out, as well as the fact that none of the scientists will reveal the project's goal. Sara confronts one of the scientists, a young man named Riff, one day after passing out in a laundromat and being robbed, saying that the study has had a detrimental influence on her and that she will only continue as a test subject if he reveals the program's goal. He explains that the experiment entails employing a brain scanning gadget. It would transform brainwaves into visuals to track the individuals' dreams. 


Sara and the other experiment volunteers are shown to dream of the same shadowy person at the same time in the next session. Riff claims that individuals all throughout the world and throughout history have dreamed about a figure that has haunted him from boyhood. Sara wakes up in a panic, bleeding from her left eye, and flees after telling the other scientists she knows what they're studying as their vitals rise. As she goes to a club in pursuit of her companion, Riff chases her down and knocks her out. This forces him to carry her comatose corpse to his apartment. 


The Shadow Figure And The Experiment.

The two remaining volunteers have another dream in the lab, about the dark figure. This time, seeing it standing at the foot of their beds, they shiver severely in dread, in semi-consciousness. As the figure walks around and looks to have invaded the waking world, the scientists are extremely disturbed.


Sara awakens in Riff's apartment after a bizarre nightmare involving the dark person, where she discovers he shackles himself to his bed and monitors his own dreams. She discovers he, too, dreams of the shadowy person and wakes him after watching a dream sequence in which she and Riff kiss, and he acquires fangs. They have intercourse after being traumatized and weary, during which Sara sees two shadowy creatures and passes out again, prompting Riff to take her to the hospital. 


The Hospital Of Study And The Report.

Riff has visions of a dark maze and a humanoid figure composed of hands as he waits for Sara's status report. Sara has left her room, and as she wanders out of the hospital, he understands she is a somnambulist. He summons Anita, a colleague, and asks her to assist him in tracking Sara's dream as she sleepwalks through the city. Sara is unintentionally led to a lonely, wooded place by Anita, who attaches a mobile monitor to her head. Sara's dream looks to mirror her current route, with dark entities appearing on the monitor to flank the trio. Riff notices a smartphone buzzing in the grass as they enter a field. Sara wakes up screaming and bleeding from her eyes when he answers the phone. Despite the fact that she has never been there before, Riff apologizes to Sara, and she recognizes the phone as hers. Sara sees many shadow figures in the trees, despite being awake, while the phone screen becomes stat-icky. Riff and Anita are both enveloped by darkness as Sara is approached by a shadowy figure as the group flees. 


Sara wakes up naked and riding Riff's dead body at Riff's apartment, having presumably gouged out his eyeballs in a somnambulist episode. She goes to the bathroom and receives a text message that makes her laugh. She looks in the mirror and notices she has fangs. The message claims she has been in a coma for twenty years while being examined with a new procedure, and the scientists are unsure where the message will reach her in her dream. Before the screen goes black, it urges her to wake up.  


Spiritual Reasons For Parasomnia.

Unlike modern science study, spiritual research considers not only the physical and psychological dimensions, but also the spiritual component. Spiritual elements include deceased relatives and ghosts who play pranks on people, such as encouraging them to commit tiny acts of mischief. 'Why would a ghost or a deceased relative come back to haunt you?' - is a question, that spiritually ignorant people, ask. When people think of their loved ones who have passed away, they find it difficult to believe that they would purposefully cause them issues in life. The two main reasons why forefathers cause problems for their descendants. One, Because of unfulfilled goals and two, the incapacity to progress in the afterlife and reach a more favorable region or subregion of the creation. 


When a person dies, his or her physical body vanishes. On the other hand, the remainder of existence, or consciousness, continues. The subtle body (linga-dha) is the person's existence outside the physical body, and it consists of the mental, causal (intellect), and supra-causal (subtle ego) bodies. This subtle body then travels to one of the 13 subtle realms (loka) of existence other than the Earth plane in the afterlife. There are 14 primary planes of existence in the universe. There are seven positive and seven negative planes in all. Hell (Patal) is the collective name for the seven negative realms. 


The Probability Of Sara's Stage.

Because of a lack of spiritual practice and a higher proportion of demerits (sins), most people in today's era spend their afterlife in either the Nether world or one of Hell's planes of existence. When the proportion of demerits (accrued as a result of wrongdoings on Earth) is around 30%, we usually travel to the Netherworld after death. Malice toward others and a multitude of desires are common demerits. It's almost guaranteed that higher-level spirits from Hell's lower plane of existence will attack you in the Nether world in the afterlife. As the person roams the house, the sleepwalker's eyes are usually open with a glassy expression. If you ask a question, they will either be slow to react or will not respond at all. 

They won't remember the encounter if you get them back to bed without waking them up. In other words, the soul cannot transform into another realm's embodiment just due to not being perfect for entering that plane. This is called Coma. A COMA is a lengthy condition of unconsciousness in which a person cannot be awakened, does not respond properly to painful stimuli, light, or sound, does not have a regular wake-sleep cycle, and does not begin intentional actions. Patients in a coma have no awareness of their surroundings and are unable to feel, speak, or move. Sara is still in Coma for 20 years trying to enter one of the negative planes of Hell, while, the exhibition (film) narrates her dream. The film is an eye-opener for the spiritually novice. In short, a parentally guided Movie.



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I am a self-motivated individual with hard-working nature who is a developer of the same.

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