Secrets of Happiness. 17 timeless secrets of happy people


Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.

Leo Tolstoy.


There are many ways for people to be unhappy, but happy people share common characteristics. That's why a good way to be happy is to study the common characteristics of happy people and apply them.


So I have studied what the great minds of history say about being happy. I have read hundreds of quotes on how to be happy, and I have learned the best lessons from them. These lessons are not only useful, but they are eternal in nature.


1. Forget the past.


One of the keys to happiness is a bad memory.

Rita Mae Brown


You won't be happy if you carry the burden of the past. Have you made mistakes? Have you had horrible experiences? Whatever they were, you have to let them go. There is nothing you can do about the past, so you better let them go and focus your energy on the present.


2. Take responsibility for your life.


The secret of happiness is freedom, and the secret of freedom is courage.



To be happy, you must have freedom, and the most important freedom is the freedom to choose. No matter how bad a situation is, you can always choose how to react to it. People may annoy you, but it is up to you whether or not you will be offended.


But, as stated above, freedom requires courage. Freedom of choice requires courage and responsibility for your life. You must not blame someone else when something goes wrong. Take responsibility and you have the right to choose.


3. Build a relationship.


The true happiness of life lies in the friendships we build along the way.


Relationships are where we can get true happiness in life. The reason is simple: only through relationships can we love and be loved. Make relationships your top priority, and you are on your way to true happiness.


4. Develop diverse goals, interests and desires


The more goals, interests and desires a person has, the more opportunities they have to be happy.


Achieving goals leads you to happiness. So you should not only develop your interests and desires, but also achieve your goals, even if not significant and you will feel euphoric when you reach it. In this way, you will create new pathways to happiness through achieving goals based on your interests and desires.


The key to developing new interests and desires is curiosity. If you are curious, an endless stream of exciting things awaits you.


5. Build your character.


Character is the foundation of happiness, and happiness is the foundation of character.

George Santayana


Creating your image is essential to happiness. When you are true to yourself and others, you will be at peace.


The way to start building your image is to make promises and keep them. For example, you promise yourself that you will not smoke. When you keep that, you build your image. Or you make a promise to others to be punctual. When you keep that, you build your image.


6. Be who you are.


The pinnacle of happiness is reached when one is willing to be who one is.

Desiderius Erasmus.


You can only be happy if you become who you are. Don't live other people's lives trying to live up to their expectations. People may expect you to have a certain job or a certain lifestyle, but they will not be interested in your inner world . Find who you are and be yourself.


7. Live your life purpose

The only true happiness comes when you don't dissipate yourself into the desires of others, but go purposefully toward your chosen goal.

William Cooper


To have a fulfilling life, you must find your life purpose and follow it faithfully. Find what is important to you and build up the persistence to follow it.


8. Appreciate what you have.


Happiness will never come to those who cannot appreciate what they already have.



Being happy is easy if we are grateful. Unfortunately, seeing what we don't have is often easier than seeing what we do have. Sometimes we need to experience loss before we appreciate what we have. So don't take things for granted. Look at what you have, and soon you'll have lots of reasons to be happy. You can start with these simple things.


9. Have a positive mind.


It is not a place or a condition, but only a mind that can make anyone happy or unhappy.

Roger L'Estrange.


Happy people know how to control their minds. They do not allow negative thoughts. Although a situation may seem bad to others, happy people look at them positively. They always believe that no matter how bad the situation is, there is always something positive to learn from it. Your mind can make or break you, so take care of it.


10. Work creatively.


Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort.

Franklin D. Roosevelt


When you work creatively on something, you will find happiness. There is a well-known phenomenon concerning this flow. When you are in a state of flow, you are completely focused on the task at hand, which you solve quickly over a short period of time. This state of flow allows you to move forward without exhausting effort.


11. start with what you have


The fool seeks happiness from a distance, the wise grows it underfoot.

James Oppenheim


Happy people don't need what others need to be happy. They don't need a certain job or a certain level of income. Instead, they learn to be happy with what they already have. They learn the art of contentment. Be content with what you have, and you will be happy.


12. Develop


A person must constantly evolve, only then will they live in happiness or wisdom.



To be happy, one must constantly grow. In fact, the very process of learning is necessary for happiness.


13. Use your talents.


True happiness involves making full use of your power and talents.

Douglas Pagels.


There are two lessons to be learned from this quote. First, you must find your talents, and second, you must make full use of them. Working from your talents is a sure way to enjoy your work, because that's what you have to do. Making full use of your talents will make you even happier because you are doing your best.


14. Beware of small things.


The happiness of most people we know is not ruined by big disasters or fatal mistakes, but by the repetition of slowly destructive little things.

Ernest Dimnett


This is very true. Often it's not the big things that destroy your happiness, but the various little things. Perhaps you don't love someone or break some "little" promises. But even small leaks can sink your happiness ship, so beware of them.


15. Get rid of your ambition.


Where ambition ends, happiness begins.

Author unknown


Wanting to achieve more in your life is a good thing, but obsessing over it doesn't mean you'll become happy. Do what you can to improve yourself, but don't be obsessed with it.


16. Make others happy.


Happiness is a perfume you can't pour on others without putting a few drops on yourself.

Ralph Waldo Emerson.


This is my favorite secret to happiness. To be happy, you must first make others happy. The more you help others and make them happy, the happier you will be. Happiness does not come through selfishness, but through selflessness. You reap what you sow.


17. Practice compassion


If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.

Dalai Lama.


Compassion is perhaps the highest level of selflessness we could have. As this quote aptly states, practicing compassion can make others happy as well as you.


But, of course, it takes practice. Start by thinking about the people around you. Look at their needs and find ways to meet them. Even if you don't do it out of compassion at first, your compassion will grow over time.


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About Author

I'm Maxim. Н. Universal artist striving for the best, trying to change the world as well. Peaceful skies overhead