Signing the divorce Papers

Signing the Divorce Papers

Sitting across from from him I stare dumbfounded as this white sheet determines my next step.

As my tears flow like a new-born stream making its way off the mountain I stare reluctant to sign as I raise my head my eyes fall on him he who did this to me.

He waltzed me out of my comfort and into his light and out the door. As the film of the good old days dance across my eyes I’m reminded of what will no longer be .

Those old divorce movies I used to watch now like a documentary in my mind, as he ponders around living room we used to play, his body bathed in arrogance I have now grown to hate.

Why did I get married I chuckled to myself ,my grin seems to irritate him as scornful eyes meet my gaze .Who is this man I start to wonder, as I took up the pen now like an eraser in hand that I will use to remove a part of my life .

As I place my signature I placed on the pen ,“Here ”I said softly, and went upstairs. lying in what used to be our bed the world seems to stop the pictures on the wall now a thorn in my eyes, the ring on my finger just the right fit squeezes so tight.

The gem inside that shone so brightly in the jewellery store now so dull and pale .

The world starts again when I hear him on the phone I sneaked out to the staircase to eavesdrop only to hear him say“ She signed the papers now we can be together”, and he walked out and shut the door my ears went deaf after that.


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