Skills to learn for web 3.0

• what is web 3.0? 
Web 3.0 is simply an idea to evolve the web in a human like way. 3rd generation of web is more focused upon giving more controls to the user so users can control their own actions.

Web 3.0 will work upon blockchain system as of bitcoin and other crypto currencies so the users are not bound to  the big tech giants and with a single account can surf between all the web

Now coming to the point what skills  will we need to grow in the next generation of web 

Block chain:

The most important thing to learn is about blockchain because you should always what you are working with. All of the web 3.0 will be working upon a blockchain method


2. Smart contracts 

3. How to interact with it 

Artificial intelligence:

One of the key aspect of web 3.0 is "Artificial Intelligence" as is focused towards processing human like. It will enable the internet to process the information like a human brain to get more efficient when processing data 


Whenever talking about the future a word "METAVERSE" always comes to our mind. So what is metaverse? It is a virtual world a whole new world right inside our hands isn't it mind blowing? It is a virtual world universe with web 3.0 thats why most of the tech giants like "FACEBOOK" and "MICROSOFT" are showing their interests in it.

• Hardware developing

• Coding 

These are one of the main key skills that you'll need to make a mark in Metaverse 


As you are now getting more control in your hand you need to make up your portfolio to show your skills about the (Blockchains, Metaverse, Artificial intelligence, Crypto currencies, NFTs) so give it some time learn some skills and get an early access to WEB 3.0 


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