Qualcomm's new chipset , Snapdragon 898 is confirmed to be released soon. Ahead of its release, the benchmark results for this chipset were revealed to the public. Surprisingly, the performance of this chipset apparently still can't beat Apple's chipset, the A15 Bionic .
From benchmark testing for Snapdragon 898, it was revealed that this Qualcomm chipset has fantastic performance. Unfortunately, the score obtained is still not able to beat the Apple A15 Bionic.
Reporting from Notebook Check, the benchmark test results for Snapdragon 898 reached 1200 for single-core and 3900 for multi-core testing. In comparison, the Apple A15 Bionic hit 1702 for single-core and 4641 multi-core tests.
Looking at the benchmark test results for the Snapdragon 898, the numbers produced are apparently almost the same as the Apple A14 Bionic chipset used by iPhone 12 Series devices.
Apple A14 Bionic managed to achieve a score of 1590 for the single-core test and 3959 for the multi-core test. While the predecessor series, Snapdragon 888 scored 966 for single-core testing and 3043 for multi-core testing.
According to the plan, the new Snapdragon 898 will be officially introduced by Qualcomm in early 2022. It has been highly anticipated, a number of devices have been reported to be released using this reliable innards.
As Qualcomm's new series, Snapdragon 898 clearly brings a number of improvements in terms of performance when compared to its predecessor chipset, Snapdragon 888 from Qualcomm.
Later, new users can taste Qualcomm's new chipset, Snapdragon 898 in 2022 when its release is officially revealed to the public.
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