Sugar substitute - benefits or harms

It would seem that what could be easier than buying jam instead of traditional jam (of course, with added sugar) with a beautiful and proud label "no sugar"? It seems to us that since the composition does not contain sugar, then we are faced with a product that is at least harmless to the figure and the body as a whole. But as it turns out, there is a fly in the ointment, and it is called sugar substitute.


Sugar substitute, whose harm is not so obvious, is a popular product on the table of those who care about their figure. It seems that it is completely harmless and even healthy. It tastes sweet, uplifting, and has no calories, just like regular sugar. However, it is not all that simple. How does the harm of sugar substitute manifest itself? When it is ingested, the taste buds give a signal. When the sweetness enters the body, a sharp and intense production of insulin begins. This causes sugar levels to drop and no carbohydrates for the stomach.


What is sugar

If you recall a basic high school chemistry course, sugar is the substance sucrose. It has a sweetish taste and is perfectly soluble in water (at any temperature). These properties allow sucrose to be useful on practically all fronts: it can be eaten as a monoingredient or as an ingredient in a dish.


Digging a little deeper, we can recall that depending on the chemical structure, sugar is divided into several groups: monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides.




These are the basic elements of absolutely any kind of sugar. Their distinctive feature is that when they enter the body, they decompose into elements which, in turn, do not decompose and remain unchanged. The well-known monosaccharides are glucose and fructose (fructose is an isomer of glucose).




As the name implies, this is something that is formed by combining two monosaccharides. For example, sucrose (it consists of monosaccharides - one glucose molecule and one fructose molecule), maltose (two glucose molecules), or lactose (one glucose molecule and one galactose molecule).




These are high-molecular-weight carbohydrates that are made up of a huge number of monosaccharides. For example, starch or fiber.


Sugar is a high-caloric carbohydrate (380-400 kcal per 100 g), which is easily digested by the body. Sugar in one form or another (natural, added, hidden) exists in almost any food product, which grows in the garden or is waiting for its time on the supermarket shelf.

What are sugar substitutes

The question "What are sugar substitutes?" and "Is sugar substitute harmful? Usually you come to a sugar substitute in two cases: either you follow a diet and keep a strict calorie count, or due to certain health problems, a specialist has recommended that you reduce sugar consumption, or even eliminate it altogether.


Then a sugar substitute comes into sight. You don't need to have any deep knowledge to understand that a sweetener is something that can take the place of sugar in the diet. In this case, not just to take - no one is interested in exchanging an awl for a soap, but to obtain as a result a more "perfect" product. It should be as similar to sugar as possible in its properties (sweet taste, high solubility in water), but at the same time have a number of distinctive positive properties for the body (for example, it is believed that sugar substitute does not have a negative impact on carbohydrate metabolism).


A product with similar properties was discovered in the United States at the end of the century before last. Saccharin, which Constantin Falberg drew attention to, is much sweeter than sugar (this especially came in handy during World War I). And when, decades later, scientists made it clear to the world that sugar was a white death with a sweetish aftertaste, other alternatives to sugar sprang into consumers' hands.


The differences between sugar and its substitutes

When deciding for yourself which sugar substitute to choose, you need to understand that the main purpose of the sugar alternative is to give a person the coveted feeling of sweetness in the mouth, but to get it without the involvement of glucose. This is the main difference between sugar and its substitutes: while preserving the taste of sugar, its substitute does not contain glucose molecules.


In addition, the "rivals" for a place of honor in the human diet are distinguished by the degree of sweetness. Compared to the most common sugar, substitutes have a much more intense sweet taste (depending on the type of sugar substitute, they are sweeter than sugar by several tens and sometimes hundreds of times), which allows you to significantly reduce their amount in a cup of your favorite coffee, and, accordingly, the caloric value of the dish (some types of substitute have zero calories).

Types of sweeteners

But sweeteners differ from each other not only in energy value, but also in principle - the origin (some types are produced in the laboratory, while others are natural). And because of this, have a different effect on the human body.


Natural sugar substitutes


SorbitolSorbitol may well be called a record-breaker in its use - it is actively introduced in the food industry (chewing gum, meat products, soft drinks), and in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. Initially, people suffering from diabetes did not even have a question "what sugar substitute to choose" - of course, sorbitol! But a little later it turned out that the remedy is not as versatile as it seemed at first glance. First of all, sorbitol is quite caloric, and secondly, it does not have strong sweetness properties (it is almost 40% less sweet than sugar). In addition, if the dose of 40-50 grams is exceeded, it may cause a feeling of nausea.

The caloric value of sorbitol is 3.54 kcal/g.


Xylitol This natural sweetener is derived from corn cobs, sugar cane stalks, and birch wood. Many people campaign for this type of sweetener because it has a low glycemic index and its effect on blood sugar levels is minimal.However, there are also downsides. If the daily rate of 40-50 grams is exceeded, it can provoke an upset stomach.

The caloric value of xylitol is 2.43 kcal/g.


Agave syrupSyrup is somewhat similar to honey, although it is less dense and sweeter than the bee product. Agave syrup has a low glycemic index and an impressive ability to sweeten products (and any - because the product is perfectly soluble in water) - it is almost twice sweeter than sugar.But this sweetener is advised to use no more than 1-2 times a week, and people suffering from gall bladder and liver disease - and at all abandon.

The caloric value of agave syrup is 3.1 kcal/g.


SteviaThis natural sweetener is nothing but the juice of a plant that is common in Central and South America. The distinctive feature of this sweetener is its very strong sweet properties (stevia extract is a couple of hundred times sweeter than sugar). Despite its natural origin and lack of calories, experts do not recommend exceeding the allowable daily rate of 2 mg per 1 kg of weight. In addition, stevioside (the main component of stevia), has a very specific flavor, so may not please everyone.Caloric value of stevia extract - 0 kcal/g.

Artificial Sugar Substitutes


SaccharinThis was the first synthetic sugar substitute. It was invented back in 1900 and its main purpose was to make life easier while dieting for people with diabetes.Saccharin is very sweet (several hundred times sweeter than sugar) - you would agree, very economical. But, as it turns out, this sugar substitute does not tolerate exposure to high temperatures - strongly heated, it gives products a taste of metal, bitterness. In addition, saccharin can cause stomach upsets.

In general, it is not recommended to use sugar substitutes while breastfeeding. Neither is it recommended during pregnancy. For example, some scientists believe that saccharin has the ability to penetrate through the placenta into fetal tissues. And in many countries of the world (including the United States) this analogue of sugar is prohibited by law.


The caloric value of saccharin is 0 kcal/g.


AspartameThis artificial sugar substitute is found no less often, if not more often than saccharin. It can often be found under the trade name "Equal". Industrialists liked aspartame for its sweetness (it is 200 times sweeter than sugar) and lack of any aftertaste. But consumers have praised it for its "zero calories". Aspartame is totally intolerant to high temperatures. It not only breaks down when heated, but also releases the highly toxic substance methanol.

The caloric value of aspartame is 0 kcal/g.


Sucralose This synthetic analog of sugar (trade name "Spenda") is considered to be one of the safest artificial sweeteners. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration in the U.S.) has repeatedly conducted studies on the effects of sucralose on animals and humans. The Department determined that this sweetener is safe for health, and it can be used in baking, and for chewing gum and in juices.The only nuance, the recommended rate of 0.7 g / kg of human weight WHO still do not recommend exceeding.

The caloric value of sucrates is 0 kcal/g.


Acesulfame-CThis sweetener can be found in foods called "Sunette" and "Sweet One". Acesulfame-K ("K" for potassium) was initially popular in the United States as a lemonade sweetener and later added to chewing gum, dairy products and desserts. Acesulfame-K is up to 200 times sweeter than regular granulated sugar. In high concentrations it can leave a slightly bitter taste.

Acesulfame-K is still under debate regarding its possible harm, but the FDA and EMEA (European Medicines Agency) reject accusations that the sweetener is carcinogenic (provided the intake standard is 15 mg/kg of body weight per day). However, many experts believe that due to the content of ethanol and asparagic acid Acesulfame potassium may have a negative impact on the cardiovascular system.


The caloric value of Acesulfame-K is 0 kcal/g.

The benefits and harms of sugar substitutes

Just do not think that the natural origin of sugar substitutes guarantees one hundred percent safety, as well as the fact that artificial analogues of sugar - the absolute evil.


For example, one of the positive properties of sorbitol is its ability to improve the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, and xylitol is able to resist microbes that negatively affect dental health. Of course, this "works" in a safe direction only when strict adherence to acceptable norms.


Despite the fact that the Internet is awash with information about the negative impact of sugar analogues, and trendy nutritionists in the glossy press constantly talk about how harmful the sugar substitute in pills is, there is no official confirmation from the Ministries of Health on this subject. There are the results of individual studies (conducted mainly on rodents), which indirectly indicate the unsafety of synthetic sugar duplicates.


For example, the author of the book "Always Hungry?", endocrinologist at Harvard Medical SchoolDavid Ludwig blames sugar substitutes for the fact that after some time of their use people stop feeling the natural sweetness of natural foods (fruits, berries, vegetables).


York University officials believe that the bacteria that inhabit our intestines cannot properly process artificial sweeteners - as a result, the gastrointestinal function can be disrupted. And the FDA, even though stevia is widespread, does not consider this sugar analogue "safe." In particular, laboratory experiments on rodents have shown that in large quantities it can lead to decreased sperm production and infertility.


And in principle, our body itself gives signals that it does not like substitutes. When they are ingested, the taste buds give a signal - when the sweetness enters the body a sharp and intense production of insulin begins. This causes sugar levels to drop and no carbohydrates for the stomach. As a result, the body remembers this "cheat" and the next time it produces a lot of insulin, and this causes fat deposits. Therefore, the harm of sugar substitute can be significant for those who want to stay slim.

Who needs a sugar substitute and if a healthy person can have one

There are at least three reasons why a person decides to give up sugar. First, for medical reasons (for example, if diagnosed with diabetes). Second, because of the desire to lose weight (everyone knows that consuming sweets not only provokes the development of cavities, but also leads to an increase in body weight). Thirdly, it is a healthy lifestyle conviction (people who have embarked on the path of healthy living, are well aware of how insidious sugar - take for example the fact that it is much more difficult to get rid of sugar addiction than a passion for hard drugs).


Some scientists assure that sugar substitutes are bad for healthy people. Others are sure that consumption of sugar analogues in permissible doses will not do any harm to a person without any health problems. The situation is complicated by the fact that few of us can boast of a "perfectly healthy" mark in our medical records.


Sugar substitutes have a wide range of contraindications: from banal nausea to the exacerbation of such problems as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and rapid weight gain (yes, a substitute can suppress a person's ability to assess the sweetness of food - at the expense of this eat far more than one spoonful of sweetener).


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