The Alley: A place of mystery and possible death

The Alley 

Like any other alley, this one is cold, wet and  unlike other alleyways this one seems to go on forever just a never-ending narrow strip that keeps going forward. Should you be unfortunate enough to end up in this alley you will wonder aimlessly,you should know that you are cursed to wonder the long endless alley always just out of reach from the busy street up ahead. I know your thinking "I'll just go back the door I came from", yeah well that's not an option because just as soon as you step into the alley the door will disappear behind you, leaving you trapped.


Now I'm sure you've thought of the fire escapes as a means to escape and I mean how unfortunate can you be? It's not like there aren't any fire escapes in this alley? Well unfortunately for you luck is not on your side and there aren't any fire escapes in site the buildings of this alley are bare. Escape seems impossible yet you keep walking unsure of what awaits you up ahead.


Now as you walk, every once in awhile you will come a cross a dumpster and you will find comfort in knowing that you can scavenge for basic necessities in these dumpsters. You will be able to provide yourself with food, water and something to keep you warm and every once in a while you will find matches in the dumpsters but whatever you do not try and light a fire in the trashcans that are kept near the dumpsters because unbenounced to you you will be calling upon a world of trouble.


I know what you are thinking, "what could possibility be any worse then being trapped in this alley?". Well, you should find comfort in knowing that you are not being hunted until you ignore the gracious warning to not light a fire. Once you have lit the fire, you will not know what hit you. The creatures that are going to be hunting you will show you no mercy, they are malevolent and unforgiving creatures with the ability to climb up walls, which is why they are thought to live on the top of the buildings that line the alleyway. You have no means to fight these creatures and you can only run in a straight line. Your only option? You have to survive but how do you do that?


Cold blooded with a strong sense of smell, these creatures are at a disadvantage in the dark but so are you, they  depend mostly on their sense of smell and the feel of heat and you.... well you just have to keep in mind that you definitely do not smell like your from around here and stay away from the heat. I would suggest finding the nearest dumpster that is not within close proximity of the fire and jumping inside, this will help mask your very peculiar sent. They always go back to their roof tops at dawn so you just have to wait it out till then. How do they look? Well that's a story for another day 


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