The benefits of The common cold

Used in a reasonable dosage and with caution, the medicinal properties of this natural remedy are proven in the face of several ailments:


The common cold: Used one to three times a day for a week, a few drops of essential oil of clove, consumed before the meal, will help you to avoid the flu, the common cold and the other winter infections thanks to its antiviral properties. 

and antibacterial. 

Take care to dilute them in a spoon of olive oil or to arrange them on a piece of sugar.


Toothache: By boiling a few cloves in water, you obtain a preparation which, used as a mouthwash, relieves toothache. 

This remedy is effective because of its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.


Digestive problems: Against digestive problems, especially stomach ache and bloating, an infusion of cloves is an excellent remedy. 

Do not hesitate to add a little cinnamon, lemon juice or a spoonful of honey to sweeten the drink, and to consume it outside of meals.


Urinary tract infections: An infusion of cloves is also recommended, once or twice a day, to treat pain from cystitis or kidney stones.


Rheumatism: Against rheumatism, lumbago and other muscle pain, massage the painful areas with essential oil of clove strongly diluted in sweet almond vegetable oil or another fatty vegetable oil, can be 

particularly effective.



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