The caracourt spider is a dangerous spider of the black widow family

The cuttlefish appears to be a medium-sized spider. Female cuttlefish are much larger than males. The female cuttlefish grows to a size of 2 cm, while the male cuttlefish is only 0.7 cm in size.

The cuttlefish looks quite unusual. The spider Karakurt has a black body, and on its abdomen it has red or orange spots of various shapes. Both the male and female Caracuta have this coloration. Sometimes there may be a white outline around the spots. Often, reaching maturity, the caracurta spider can turn completely black with no spots.

Where does the cuttlefish live?

The cuttlefish lives in Central Asia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, on the territory of Iran and Afghanistan, on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, in North Africa, in the south of Europe and Ukraine. In Russia the Karakurt dwells in the southern regions. Particularly widespread in the Astrakhan region, Krasnodar Territory and Crimea.

In especially hot periods this spider can migrate to the northern regions, but in such regions the Karakurt dwells only until the onset of winter. The most favorable habitat conditions for the Karakurtus are those areas where the summer is hot and the autumn is warm. The cuttlebug inhabits desert and steppe areas, wastelands, salt marshes, slopes of ravines, and abandoned buildings.


The venom of the locust is strong enough that a locust bite can be fatal. Fortunately, the locust only attacks if it is disturbed. The locust venom affects both animals and humans. The sting of the locust bite is unnoticeable immediately and manifests itself within 10-15 minutes. During this time, the venom of the locust has already spread throughout the body and the first signs of toxic poisoning begin to appear. Symptoms of a locust bite begin with a burning pain that spreads throughout the body. Patients usually complain of severe pain in the chest, abdomen and lower back.

The caracuta bite also has the following symptoms: rapid pulse, shortness of breath, palpitations, dizziness, headache, shivering, vomiting, sweating, bronchial spasms and urinary retention. In the later stages of poisoning, the person becomes blacked out and delirious. There have been recorded fatalities in humans and farm animals that have been bitten by the cuttlebug.

Specialists say that people with a strong immune system will more easily endure the sting of the locust than those weakened by illness or allergic people. Remember that the greatest concentration of venom in black widows occurs during the mating season and after laying eggs, in other seasons the stings are less terrible. Males in principle are not dangerous, because they do not possess venom and due to their small size they cannot bite through the skin.

To neutralize the action of the locust venom use an anticaracutic serum. Novocaine, calcium chloride and magnesium hydrosulfate are also administered intravenously, with positive results. If it is impossible to get medical help, you should cauterize the sting of the locust bite with a burning match. But it must be done not later than 5 minutes after the bite. You can also cauterize the bite site with a red-hot metal object. Since the spider bites the skin to a depth of only 0.5 mm, the heating destroys the poison that has not had time to be absorbed. But even after cauterization it is necessary to seek medical help.

Domestic livestock suffers from caracurta bites, especially camels and horses. These animals often die from the venom of the locust. Once every 10 years there is a mass reproduction of the locust spider, during these years the livestock industry suffers great losses. Nowadays, the cutthroat spider is destroyed with insecticides, which are sprayed on the soil. Of course, the poison is not intended to harm humans or livestock, but serves the spider only for food. The locust eats a variety of beetles, flies, locusts, cicadas and grasshoppers.

Caracurta offspring

The caracourt spider is called a black widow because the female caracourt kills her mate after mating. But the black widow caracurta won't outlive the eaten spouse, because the female dies with the onset of cold weather.

Caracurta become capable of reproduction in the early summer and start migrating in search of partners. With the onset of heat (July-August), female and male locusts arrange temporary mating nets. After that the female locust seeks a secluded place to set up a den where she can place the cocoons with eggs.

Such a place often becomes various depressions in the soil, abandoned burrows of rodents, as well as drains of ventilation systems. At the entrance to the den she stretches chaotically woven web. The female locust hangs 2-4 cocoons in the den, where they will survive the winter.


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