The fear was further heightened by the complete absence of sound.

The locals told us many times about the July fogs and that during them it is better not to leave the house unnecessarily. They say people get lost in them, and you can get lost.

But my mother and I like to go for a walk in the evening, when the heat goes down and there are no horseflies. So, that day we went for a walk under the hill to the river, to wash our feet, just to have a good sleep.


We went there, walked a little bit by the river, and were going back when suddenly (that's what - suddenly) from the side of a small pond fog had started to rapidly approach. But it was too dense and white. We at first did not pay any attention to it, we just decided to go faster, after all when the fog was lowering it was getting colder and damp. But we did not have time to reach the path, we were caught up by the fog, and now we were walking in the thick fog. And somehow all the sounds suddenly became silent: we could not hear any cars on the road, no birds, no cicadas - nothing at all. I was already beginning to feel the bricks, my mother was still calm. I took her by the hand, and we went in the direction of the path, well... as it seemed to us - going, going... and nothing. Have passed, probably, 500 meters (though by all parameters to that path maximum meters 100-150 were) - all the same, no road. And it is silent, even on ears presses.


We turned back and walked another 300 meters - that's it, we did not recognize the area any more... we saw bumps, potholes and holes - although we distinctly remembered that the place we were walking in was a flat meadow near the river and a hill further on. We looked around and decided to go in the direction of the river to get to the road by the riverbank - but no way! In theory the river was supposed to be quite close - but even after 500 meters it was not found, there was no hill ... in general, fuck them, nothing ... flat, overgrown with grass space - here we and my mom had a serious scare. Fear was fueled by the total absence of sounds and the fact that we felt we wandered there for 3 hours.


When we go further we get a new portion of bricks - firstly, the soil is getting softer (but we remember that the marsh in that area is not at all, the nearest one is about 15 kilometers by car), and secondly, in front of us begin to take shape the outlines of a small shack with a glowing window (as in the story with the car - I only now realized it, the light was not electric, namely, as from a lighter or candle at the window). And then my mother and I finally, pardon my expression, - shit... somewhere very close the door creaked and heard a whisper and rustling footsteps.


How we ran ... and did not understand the road. I can't tell you now how much we ran - but we stopped only when our road, which we always drive and walk, was EXTREMELY under our feet. When we looked around, we were completely freaked out - we were standing in the very spot where the fog had overtaken us, and the fog itself... was not visible at all. We didn't discuss anything and just walked home at the fastest pace. In the morning we told this story to Vera Nikolaevna (I have already told about her) - she shook her head and said that we were lucky and it was the fog itself that had let us go.



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