If you're having trouble deciding which university degree to pursue, it can be good to discover more about which degree subjects would be the most beneficial to you when you graduate.
Aeronautics and Astronautics courses delve into the science behind the research, development, and production of aircraft, race cars, satellites, and rockets. You'll study how they work in both our environment and space as part of the degree.
Aeronautical/astronautical engineer, researcher, designer, or technician are common employment opportunities for Aeronautics and Astronautics graduates. These are just a few of the many options accessible to Aeronautics and Astronautics graduates, with many of them continuing their education.
Aeronautics and Astronautics graduates may expect to earn roughly US$73,100 as a starting salary, rising to an average of US$131,600 later in their careers. 59 percent of graduates working in the field say their employment has a high meaning.
Preparing, dispensing, and reviewing medications, as well as offering additional healthcare services, is the science of pharmacy. Pharmacy students will study pharmaceutical chemistry and medical science in depth, which will prepare them for a successful profession following graduation.
Community pharmacists, hospital pharmacists, pharmacologists, and research scientists are all common employment for people with a pharmacy degree. For recent pharmacy graduates, salaries start at roughly $79,600, rising to a much higher $132,500 after 10 years. Surprisingly, a whopping 77 percent of pharmacy graduates say their work provides a lot of importance for them.
Business degrees are well-known for being in great demand in a variety of fields. Graduates of business analysis programs frequently have great mathematics and data analytic abilities, making them ideal candidates for careers in accounting, finance, consulting, and a variety of other business-related fields. It's somewhat unsurprising that business analysis graduates find themselves in well-paid jobs, with starting salaries of roughly US$57,200 and rising to $133,200.
Electrical power engineering graduates, like other engineering graduates, have a bright future ahead of them. With the recent focus on climate change, there is an even greater urgency to shift to renewable energy sources, resulting in increased demand for electrical power engineering graduates. Electrical power engineering graduates will have a solid technical background, as well as good numeracy, IT, and problem-solving abilities.
Electric power network analysts, electric vehicle designers, and development and market analysts are among the jobs available to graduates. Graduates start with a high pay - according to the most current PayScale compensation report, graduates start with a salary of $72,400, rising to $134,700 after ten years. A whopping 63 percent of electrical power engineering graduates believe their work is meaningful.
Actuarial mathematics degrees apply mathematical, statistical, financial, and economic theory to tackle business problems such as risk, uncertainty, and the financial consequences of unanticipated events, and they have a bright future ahead of them. Risk analysts, chartered accountants, audit analysts, and statisticians are some of the most common jobs for graduates.
Graduates earn high incomes, ranging from $57,600 for those with less than five years of experience to $136,200 for those with more than five years of experience. PayScale, on the other hand, finds that only about half of graduates believe their profession has a high meaning in the world.
The study of trade and production, as well as their interactions with customs, law, and government, as well as problems that arise from or are influenced by international politics, is known as political economics. Economists, financial analysts, communications officers, and political consultants are just a few of the employment options available to political economy graduates. In the first five years following graduation, political economist majors earn an average of US$57,600, rising to US$136,200 after ten years.
Management teams receive analytics and advice from operations researchers. Graduates with degrees in this field have excellent mathematical, computational, and communication abilities that can be applied across a wide range of businesses. Operations researchers operate in a variety of settings, including consulting firms, financial firms, airlines, and government agencies, to mention a few. Starting salaries are often substantial, averaging $77,900 on average. After ten years or more, they grow to £137,100, and there is plenty of room for advancement.
Graduates of applied economics and management are said to earn $58,900 at the outset of their careers, rising to $140,000 after 10 years, putting them among the highest-paid graduates. Most colleges allow students to specialize later in their degree to better match their interests and future goals. Employees in applied economics and management are usually satisfied with their careers, with 69 percent believing that their work improves the world.
Electrical engineering students are the second-highest earners, with an average salary of $88,000 in the first five years after graduation and $142,200 ten years later. Electrical engineering and computer science graduates both have relatively low unemployment rates, thus studying these two topics combined can lead to some excellent job opportunities! Electrical engineers, IT consultants, and software designers are just a few of the options available to graduates. Despite this, graduates find a lot of purpose in their work, so be sure it's the right path for you before you choose it.
Petroleum engineering comes in the first position as the top degree subject to graduate with this year. Petroleum engineers discover and extract oil and gas in a safe and environmentally sustainable manner; as long as energy is required, petroleum engineering graduates will always be in high demand!
In the first five years of their professions, petroleum engineering graduates earn an astounding $94,500 on average (significantly higher than any other degree). This annual compensation increases to US$176,900 after ten years. In addition to the high pay, 77 percent of petroleum engineering graduates say their work provides a high level of purpose. Petroleum geologists, drilling engineers, reservoir engineers, and production engineers are all common positions in the field of petroleum engineering.
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