The harm of alcoholic beverages

The Main Dangers of Alcohol Consumption

The main risks and insidiousness of alcoholism lie in its delayed toxic effects and its deceptive safety at the initial stage. Scientists at the University of California have responsibly stated that ethyl alcohol in small quantities poses no health hazards.


But there is a big question mark here, because it is very difficult to draw the line between moderate consumption and the onset of binge drinking. Alcohol dependence is an undeniable evil, but it is not born by itself. Its origins should be sought in the innocuous habit of having a drink in the joyful and sad moments of life.


There is no more treacherous liquid than ethyl-containing products. They act on the brain, provoking the production of pleasure hormones: dopamine, endorphin, adrenaline. Hence the feeling of joy, happiness, irrepressible merriment, and increased efficiency after the first doses.


But this effect is quickly replaced by irritability, anxiety, inadequate behavior and loss of control over emotions and actions. And regular use of alcoholic beverages makes a blooming person an antisocial degraded person with a host of mental and physical diseases.


Alcohol kills brain cells

Under the toxic blow after every drunken bottle, first of all, hits the central nervous system. Normal metabolic processes are disturbed, synaptic connections are broken and the cells of the cerebral cortex die. And these changes are irreversible.


Scientifically proven that a person who drinks only 2-3 times a week, significantly reduced mental capacity due to a decrease in the size of the brain, the so-called "shrinkage. And there is nothing inexplicable here, because 200 ml of vodka destroys from 1 to 2 thousand cells.


The consequence of this is that you start to feel..:


an irresistible urge to drink;

sudden mood swings;

intolerance of other opinions and criticisms;

memory problems;

impaired cerebral activity;

manifestations of illogical behaviors and utterances;

depression and delirium;

panic attacks;

neuroses and psychoses;


suicidal thoughts.

Alcohol is a poison - Alco-helpAlcohol is a poison that causes irreparable damage to the psycho-emotional state. As a result, the patient's common sense and generally accepted norms are subordinated to the sole desire to find the next portion of alcohol. In the intoxication more than 50 % of accidents on the roads and one third of suicides happen. This should be remembered by everyone.


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I'm Maxim. Н. Universal artist striving for the best, trying to change the world as well. Peaceful skies overhead