The Holy Grail and the Knights Templar

 Titurel, the first undefiled king of the Grail, is today considered a poetic creation of an imaginative troubadour from the Middle Ages. The chronicles present him as a model of an ideal ruler, a pure life, just in deeds, who lives for his people, with a heart in a higher kingdom than the earthly one. On his pilgrimage to Jerusalem, his parents heard a prophecy about the bright future of the son who was to be born to them. He will be under the special protection of God and endowed with sublime talents. His name will be composed of the names of his parents. That is how Titurel was named partly from his father's name Tuturisone and partly from his mother's name Elizabeth. He grew up in the grace and favor of God and men.
    Titurel, the first king of the Grail, conquered the rebellious pagans from Overi and Navarre, with the help of the Provencals and the people of Arles and Lorraine. These united armies defeated the Saracens and other old Druid religions. Only after those long battles and wars were over, Titurel began the preparation and construction of the temple that was to receive the Holy Grail - the most perfect treasure entrusted to him for safekeeping. Among the powers and talents that Titural was endowed with was the 'length of the day', because when the temple was built and when he was ordered to marry in order to extend the line of the Grail, Titurel turned 400 years old. The place where the sanctuary or temple of the Grail was to be founded was shown to Titurel by a guardian angel. The place was so mysterious that no one could discover it, except with the help of a higher power. There is no doubt that it is located in the wastelands of the Pyrenees, where this legend is most deeply rooted, although the name of the place itself differs from author to author. Thus, the name Mon Salvch or Mont Salvat, due to its wild and impassable position, can only mean a wild mountain, Mont Salvatge or Sauvage. They say that between Navarre and Aragon there is still a place called Salvatera.   
    The site for the construction of the Temple was shown to Titurel, and ‘invisible helpers’ brought him building materials. When the building of the temple was completed, Titurel was 400 years old, but such was the power of the Holy Grail, that he looked as if he were 40 - so says the legend. Now he had to gather around him that excellent company of knights, the knights of the holy temple, and gradually their influence and power spread to other countries. First Aragon and then Navarre were attracted to this spiritual association, followed by Catalonia, Granada and Galicia. The capital of this great alliance was hidden in the forests on the border of Navarre and Aragon, on the tops of the Pyrenees. The center of the spiritual authority of the new faith reached across Galicia and Provence, towards Burgundy and Lorraine. All this was done during the four centuries of Titurel's reign.   

 The Holy Grail was placed in the Sanctuary, and instructions for the King and his knights appeared on its surface, which remained for some time, only to gradually fade over time. Titurel was now ordered to marry, and the woman chosen for him was Richoneda, a girl dedicated to God. Two children were born to Tirurel. His son Frimutelle became the next king of the Grail, and the daughter of Titurel married Cailet, king of Spain, whose capital at that time was Toledo, and this marriage connected the kings of Spain with the kings of the Grail lineage. With the daily contemplation of the Grail, Titurel's life was extended to five hundred years, and when he realized that he was running out of strength, he gathered his children around him to guide them into the spiritual meaning of the Holy Grail. Here is how he taught them:no one has seen the Holy Grail except the elect. Those who do not live a saintly life and purify themselves in purity and from every struggle, do not deserve to ever see its light. And no language should ever be said about the real appearance of the Grail .

Titurel also instructed his knights in the secret meaning of the symbols and ceremonies they used, and especially in the spiritual meaning and power of the twelve precious stones. Titurel died in India when he was over five hundred years old. We know nothing about his departure, but legend has it that there is a ‘waiting room’ in that kingdom of peace, where they dwell and supervise the human race and from where the return of all chivalrous souls is expected. The legend says that he still maintains communication with the world and occasionally sends his faithful knights to help in cases of current need.
    One of the most interesting aspects of this legend is the one concerning the connection between the Holy Grail and the Knights Templar. Some scholars believe that the legend of the Holy Grail is in fact the doctrine of the Templars, because of which they suffered so bitterly. Founded in 1118 on the foundations of the old Association of the Agian Brethren, attracted by the same guiding forces, the Templars did nothing but plant the seeds that Titurel was the first to bring. Thanks to the power and wealth that the Templars had already gained in southern France and southeastern Spain, especially in the Pyrenees, the number of castles, churches, temples and chapels rose sharply. There was a close connection between the Order of the Templars and the Anjouans, because Fulk V of Anjou collected taxes on their territories, which went into the hands of the Templars.
    There are some legends that the Holy Grail was transferred to India, and in connection with that we come across another mysterious figure, whose name is John the Presbyter, a man around whom legends were intertwined in the Middle Ages in both East and West. He is spoken of as a phantom who has taken many forms. The land of John the Presbyterian was the Indian Tatar, and John was the great Lama, the incarnation of wisdom. All researchers agree that there really was a mysterious and powerful person under that name, and some identify him with Genghis Khan. All travelers from the 13th century speak of a very widespread Christianity in the East, and information about that could have reached the West with the first crusade. The description of John's kingdom far surpasses, however, in splendor and richness the kingdom of the Holy Grail. There, it is said, all nature is consecrated, it is a land without crime, insidiousness, mockery and disbelief. John is described as a holy man before God and before men, perfect in virtue and glorious in humility.


 Eastern influences on this tradition are very often observed. Knowledge, for example, of the occult properties of precious stones and metals and their powers. A stone that allows the wearer to be invisible, provided he does nothing dishonorable. Dad, we have a mysterious land of fog, where people are neither dark nor light, but have lost all the usual human color. Then there is the magic pillar brought from India, which reflects everything that happens miles away, and one of the most important connections is the one with reincarnation, which is manifested in the belief that Titurel and his knights can return, and that the perfect king still it always communicates with the earth and its sufferings.
    The knight who guarded the Grail, and that was the highest duty, had to be completely clean. Any sensual love, even within marital relationships, was forbidden. A single thought of passion would blur the vision and hide the power of mystical reasoning. The only marriage that was allowed among those who took this path was the king's, and even that was not based on personal attachment and love. Only the Grail could decide who the Grail king would take as his wife. Not for himself, not for pleasure, but for the benefit of his people.
    Is it the Grail Cup, a glass or something completely different? Traces of it can be found in all religions of the world, as an external and visible sign of inner and spiritual grace. Titurel told his knights that no language should ever be said about the true form of the Grail, which unequivocally shows that some mystery was hidden in the background of the external symbols of the Grail. So says the legend of the Holy Grail. Source: Third Eye (1990, Aleksandar M.)

Harsh - Aug 26, 2021, 10:23 PM - Add Reply


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Harsh - Aug 26, 2021, 10:23 PM - Add Reply


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