The menace of cultism in nation development

The second most unfortunate development in our school system is the introduction of cultism or secret societies. Like the cub of a tiger it has now grown over the years ill to a menacing adulthood. Whenever a society or club or organization is purely nocturnal, meaning that society is a society to be watched. It is bound to have something sinister, something that it covers up in the darkness of the night. Cultism in our schools no longer need to hide their activities. It would appear they have "arrived" and so they can now operate both day and night. Their blood initiation in violation of the commandment of God automatically turns them to become agents of the devil. They fight, they kidnap, they rape female students, they recruit members by violence, they fight the authorities of their institutions with impurity in open demonstration of might is right; they burn down houses, destroy property worth millions, they disturb the academic programmes of their schools and organise riots to prevent school examinations. They dare the law enforcement agents in gun battles, they mame, kill and murder all at will, usually under the influence of drugs and drinks. Thus they have made life and property so unsafe in our educational institutions that many parents have lost their sons and daughters in the constant clashes with individuals students or staff of their institutions they have targeted as their victims. 
    It is interesting to note that Timothy Leary who originated a new religion called "The league of spiritual discovery (LSD)" had to be dropped from the staff of Harward University for experimenting with and promoting LSD. Members of LSD are required to smoke marijuana daily and trip with LSD each week. Some members of LSD under the delusion of marijuana while on a trip deciding that they could fly have stepped out of a ten storeyed building window and plunged to their death .
     We want to say it again and again that the road to cultism eventually takes one to crime, imprisonment and death. It is a road that the good student must avoid in his own interest.


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