The Names Of Season In The World

Seasons can also be called to weather changes. Where because of him many changes will happen. In many countries, the seasons change from year to year. However, not all seasons in one country are the same as seasons in another. This is due to the difference in the equator. The change of seasons is something that most people look forward to. Because there are a lot of things that can happen at that time. Some harm people. Because natural conditions have changed drastically. Makes it difficult for many people to carry out normal activities. And some benefit people. When nature changes open access to various things. A small example is the game of jet sky above the snow during winter. What does the season look like :

A. Winter

In this season animals such as polar bears and penguins hibernate. The weather changed from normal temperature to colder. The degree of temperature can reach below 0 degrees Celsius. Snow often fell from above the sky making the ground completely white. Even factories, houses and roads became covered in snow. Make people have to carry out the daily routine of clearing snow. Snow is actually a soft lump of ice. Formed from water vapor trapped in the air due to cold weather. Then fell to the ground. In this season people have to wear coats and hats to keep the body temperature normal. When they are out of the house. Before winter comes. People usually prepare a lot of firewood. And light it in the winter in the fireplace to warm it. Not everyone likes being outside. Especially when night has come. They do normal activities such as watching tv. But some of them prefer to go out during the day. Some make the snow as a sporting event. Such as chariot races, sledding and snowball throwing.

B. Spring

In this season the temperature returns to normal. Trees that had fallen due to certain conditions began to grow. The activities of some animals such as squirrels are starting to be active again. Butterflies are flying again. People often take advantage of spring for a vacation. Especially those who go to college. The air in spring is suitable for many things.  From reading, painting and playing golf.

C. Summer

When this season comes water is really hard to come by. The temperature changed drastically to be hotter than the usual temperature. When this season arrives the temperature can reach 36 degrees Celsius. The hot temperature makes water evaporate in the air continuously. And make water fields in some places empty. The soil in certain areas cracked and some of the plants died. Some of the animals that roam this season include the crow. One should always provide enough water bags because not all places have water if one wants to walk for miles. Even their horses need to drink enough after a long walk. Those who live in houses provide a supply of water in barrels before summer arrives.

D. Autumn

When it happened this season. The trees began to fall. And in the end the fruit also cannot be produced. Even though the weather looks normal. This actually makes some animals difficult to find. Due to non-existent food sources. Autumn is not the right time for a vacation. Especially when strong winds appear. Small objects fly. The previously clean land has become dirty because of this incident.

E. Rainy 

In certain areas it rains more often than usual. Up to 11,000 milimeter per year. This condition makes the water capacity increase. Some green trees thrive. However, the weather is uncertain. Making people have to provide umbrellas when they want to travel. Due to rising water. The condition of coastal fish is increasing. At this time it is an advantage for fishermen to look for more fish. Not infrequently the rainy season is accompanied by thundering thunder. It would be better if people did not bring any electronic equipment outside the house.

If you want to feel it. Then visit countries such as America, Japan, or Mexico. But don't come during the wrong month. Seasons may only happen once a year


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