The right content for the online store - doubling sales, tips from people with years of experience

The right content for the online store - doubling sales

Almost everyone has faced a visit to an online store in their life. Suppose you wanted to buy a multifunctional multicooker, to forget about standing at the stove for a long time. And so you go on a trip to the electronic stores, and there ... There on each of them for 20-30 options with prices, but without any details (no characteristics, no description). Or, alternatively, each product has a manual attached electronically, for ...tsatty pages. And in addition to information about the technique, it would be nice to understand what terms of cooperation you are offered. But no - the information is missing, and you see, for example, this picture:


Accordingly, the question of the choice of products and the point of sale remains open. And here the palm will be taken by the online store, which will provide the buyer with important information.


The right content - an important part of the success of the online business


Many owners of online stores mistakenly believe that the success of the event is ensured if the assortment of sales point is wide. They reason on the basis that if a person needs, he will buy. That's just this approach misses an important point: why the customer should order from you?


So for online sales to be successful, you need to ensure:


the ability to find the online store online (search engine advertising or organic output);

relevance of the information on the site, so that guests stay on it as long as possible;

a wide range of products, the needs of the user must be satisfied;

advantageous distinction of your point of sale and its assortment from competitors.


Content will be your reliable assistant in achieving all your goals. It will attract visitors to your site, will help to keep their attention, will move to fulfillment of purchase.


Filling the online store content: the three pillars


Content is a broad notion that includes not only texts but also photos, videos and other components. Undoubtedly, articles and descriptions are the most weighty elements. The more useful and relevant materials are placed in your online store, the higher the probability that your primary task - attracting customers and generating profits - will be solved successfully.


You need to achieve a comprehensive approach to filling the site. If the descriptions are good, but the pictures will be little, the visitors will not like it. On the contrary - the same result. A point-by-point approach to working with content is no good, only a comprehensive solution works.


The first whale: texts

Texts become the main source of information for visitors to the online store. With their help, you can convey information about the specifics of the goods, their technical characteristics, features, pros. In addition, for your guests will be important information about shipping conditions, payment options, the specifics of ordering, possible discounts, providing a guarantee, etc.


Articles are interesting not only for users, but also for search robots. The main thing - to use this type of content wisely.


Thus, the texts are needed on virtually all pages of the site - on the home page, categories, subsections, product cards, the section on delivery and payment, etc. In some cases, the articles are quite voluminous, while in others a couple of sentences will suffice. In any case, regardless of the volume, the text must be useful and relevant to reality, as well as provide answers to questions that interest the customer. Among them - where it is located, what is offered and why it is necessary to buy the product here.


As an example, let's look for a tunic in large sizes and get on such a page:


One thing is clear - large size clothing is offered. First of all, the concept of "big" is different for everyone, and secondly, who says that you're sure to find a tunic here? But if you add some text and paint what the online store offers, the situation will immediately become clear.


Of course, writing huge "sheets" is not necessary. They just no one will read. Here is a classic mistake for the main page.


In the other extreme - the rejection of the texts - is also not necessary to rush, otherwise the page will be little informative.


And here is another example of inattentive filling product cards:


If you summarize all of this and add advice from experience, you get these texts in numbers:


main -500 characters;

sections / subsections - 1000-1500 characters;

product cards - 500-1000 characters.


These figures are approximate. They may vary in increasing or decreasing, depending on the situation. The main thing - to make useful and interesting texts that will not fall under the "Baden-Baden".


Do you have a large amount of useful information? For its placement should provide a blog where such articles will be appropriate. With the right approach, this content will give you the opportunity to attract traffic on low-frequency queries.


How to correctly write texts for the online store?

Of course, a ready-made universal solution


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