The Russian skaters failed miserably at the first serious tournament of the season - they all fell. What was it?

Low level of performance, that's why Kolyada is in the top 3.

Finlandia Trophy in Espoo is the official start of the season for a large part of the Russian figure skating team. On October 7, the men showed short programs. Sport24 tells about the results of the first day.

Russia is represented at the tournament by European champion - 2020 Dmitry Aliev, as well as Mikhail Kolyada and Evgeny Semenenko, who won 3 quotas for the country at the World Cup in Stockholm (recently Mark Kondratyuk confirmed the third quota). But none of the Russians failed to perform the short program cleanly: everyone fell down, and someone did not even make it to the strongest warm-up. Dmitry Aliev, who was supposed to take part in the Nebelhorn Trophy, did not go there in the end. It's hard for him to enter the season. The athlete fell from the only four - tolupa, landed a clean triple, but made a cascade of only triple lutz and tolupa. Actually, his signature cascade is a quadruple lutz - triple toe loop. But Aliev refused to do the quad. His head and physics - everything bothers him, he said. Aliev's score in the short program was 78.28 and he finished only fifth. Yevgeniy Semenenko, who made a loud statement last season, ruined almost everything he could. The athlete pulled a quadruple toehold in the triple, fell off the triple axel, made a butterfly on the salchow in a cascade with a triple toehold. On the step lane, the judges only marked Level 2. This blurred the impression that Semenenko had clearly worked on his rotations and program presentation. Unfortunately, a dreadful 69.63 points, that's only 11th place. Even the guys from Spain and Estonia are higher. Mikhail Kolyada gave up his program to "In Memory of Caruso" and returned to "The Nutcracker" in red uniform. The skater accurately conveyed the music, and I would like to note how competently choreographed it was. Mikhail himself was pleased with the work as well. However, things did not work out with the jumping part: a triple Salchow instead of a quadruple Salchow (although Misha said that only a triple Salchow was planned today, but judging by the movement and flight it did not seem so), a fall from a quad-tulip. Koliada was left without a cascade. The problem was a clean triplet. As a result, Kolyada received 82,75 points and was 3rd. But he was almost 10 points behind the leading duo. Jason Brown of the USA is in the second place. Out of all the elements of ultra-si he only performed a tricep. He was very emotional and expressive, which was noted in the short program. Brown's rating for the components was higher than that of all the competitors. It's no surprise for anyone for a long time. It's always a pleasure to watch a friend of Evgeniya Medvedeva's on ice. But technically it's too easy to roll, nevertheless, the score is 92,39. The same score was given to Keegan Messing from Canada. He was one of the few who performed a clean four toe loop, also in a cascade with a double, managed a triple axel. Choreography did not let him down either: the skater performed each movement in accents, reflecting the character of the music. But Messing, of course, is not as tough a skater as Brown. He was considerably inferior on his second score. But it is due to higher technical scores that the Canadian is the first. On October, 8 the Russian skaters will try to take revenge.


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