Why aren't the second pyramid at Giza showing phenomena like the first, great pyramid of Cheops? Is Kefren's pyramid just a pale copy of an ancient model? The Cheops or Great Pyramid is always in the center of attention of many tourists and researchers of the mysterious past, but few of them dealt with two also monumental pyramids, although somewhat smaller and younger buildings.
It is about the Pyramid of Kefren, which was allegedly built by the son of Cheops and heir to the throne, around 2530 BC and which, together with the pyramid of the ruler Mycerinus, forms a set of three attractive stone colossi on the plateau of Giza near Cairo. Although these three pyramids are inseparable symbols of ancient Egypt, only one of them, the oldest, the Pyramid of Cheops, is on the list of wonders of the world. Why this is so, and why the skill of building pyramids, after the largest and most perfect, has declined, instead of advancing, scientists to this day have not given a convincing answer, except that the pharaohs gave up building tombs of this kind for fear of burglars, who, in truth, managed to plunder most of the seventy pyramids.
It is true, however, that only these three largest pyramids at Giza could have been a hard nut to crack for all the plunderers, while the most interesting among them, Cheops, is not known for sure if and when it was looted, until the Islamic conquerors in the ninth century forcibly broke directly through the stone mass and came across - empty rooms. Whether it ever served as a brood and whether it was a treasure of the kind most often expected by treasure hunters, that is, for what purposes the Pyramid of Cheops was actually built, is also unknown if we want to face the facts of the so-called official historiography.
In the shadow of the Great Pyramid of Cheops, Kefren has kept a secret that has withstood time and researchers for centuries, and that is, what is hidden inside it, and is it really just a massive tomb with a single room with an empty sarcophagus? It is interesting to note how scientists imagine that these buildings were created. First, they say, hundreds of years before the pyramids were built, Egyptian pharaohs were preoccupied with preparing burial chambers for themselves. They were, by tradition, made underground and equipped with many ancillary rooms in which all the things necessary for the pharaoh's afterlife were left.
If it is to be believed that such underground tombs were less accessible to robbers than later pyramids, then it is unclear why, as time went on, the rulers tried harder and harder to mark their supposedly hidden eternal houses and accompanying treasures? Because, the fashion of building pyramids allegedly began with the Egyptians designing and erecting the first independent and upright stone structures. In the beginning, they used stone to imitate old mastabs - buildings made of unfired bricks, which were impractical because they were crushed to dust over time.
According to that theory, the earliest pyramid must have been a massive, awkward square carved from solid stone, with a base of about thirty square meters and a height of eight meters. It covered a grave hole in the ground 30 meters deep. It occurred to the next architect to place another similar square, somewhat smaller in size, on the stone block, and it soon became fashionable for five such stone blocks to be stacked one on top of the other. At that time, the idea of interior rooms had not yet been arrived at.
Later, stone blocks were processed with much greater precision. and in order to obtain a slight fall from top to bottom on the outside, the corners of the structure were raised to a certain degree. This progress made it possible to build rooms in the pyramid itself.
However, archaeologists, as well as treasure hunters, have always found it strange that the second largest, the Pyramid of Kefren, is completely filled with stone blocks. One of the scientists who once led an examination of its interior by irradiating with cosmic rays, commented: 'Why would Kefren, since his childhood was spent watching his father's slaves build a magnificent and complex series of rooms and corridors in the Great Pyramid, satisfied with building a massive and uninteresting layer of limestone blocks as his own pyramid.
Archaeologists' answer to this question is usually laconic and states that Kefren probably knew that his father's pyramid was looted soon after the funeral ceremony. Realizing that a building of this kind could not be secured from robbers, he decided not to try to deceive the robbers. So he decided to be buried, when the time came, in a single, central room on the ground floor, with the entire pyramid actually being his massive tombstone.
Another possibility, many researchers believe today, is that the rooms exist in the upper part of the pyramid and are so well hidden that they have not yet been found. Because, they state as an argument, there are no two pyramids with the same floor layout. The underground room of the Great Pyramid was known to the Greek historian Herodotus in the 5th century BC, but the two rooms were not discovered until the 19th century, and even then they were found quite by accident because a large slab in the hallway fell on the stone blocks below. was loosened by an earthquake caused by diggers breaking through another passage. Couldn't Cheops, if he wanted to hide gold and valuables of that kind, use those upper rooms for that purpose?
It is also possible to assume that Kefren's architects were at least as skilled as Cheops', if not more skilled, at disguising secret chambers. All known funeral rooms, by the way, in the big pyramids are small - six meters high, and five and a half wide and between six and fifteen meters long. The pressure of the stone blocks around such a chamber is enormous, which required exceptional skill to keep the ceiling from collapsing. So, the smaller the room, the smaller the problems caused by the weight of the blocks.
However, after detecting the Kefren pyramid, physicists concluded that there were probably no hidden rooms in it, although the leader of the experiment himself left the possibility that in a room filled with gold, the precious metal would absorb as much cosmic rays as a full crucible. The London Times wrote the following about the exploration of the pyramids by radiation in 1969: 'Scientists who tried to illuminate the pyramid at Giza with X-rays, in fact cosmic rays, are astonished by the mysterious circumstances that lead to the chaos of their counters and electronic devices. . Hoping to uncover the secret chambers in the pyramid, they continuously recorded cosmic rays on magnetic tapes for a year as they penetrated the interior of the pyramid. The basic idea was that cosmic rays would penetrate the pyramid evenly if it was massive and without cavities, and that it would cause the same reactions on the detector at the base of the pyramid. More than a million dollars and thousands of working hours were spent on this project, including the operation of the new IBM-113 computer at a university near Cairo. In Kefren's pyramid, however, unknown forces did not play with scientists and their equipment. What is the cause of this?
In order to answer that question, it is necessary to consider several important historical facts. One of them is that Pharaoh Khu-fu, better known by the Greek version of his name Cheops, was in fact an insignificant ruler, who would have been forgotten if the construction of the Great Pyramid had not been tied to his name. His son Kefren, in that respect, as a statesman and pharaoh, was far more powerful and significant. It should only be mentioned that scientists believe that he had his character engraved on the Sphinx, which means that she was already very old in his time because Kefren restored it to ‘his image and opportunity’.
Secondly, the pharaohs always tried to surpass their predecessors in everything, even in the monumentality of buildings. If it is true that the builder of the Great Pyramid was Kefren's father Cheops, then he - Kefren, as the heir to the Egyptian throne, had at his disposal not only engineers and builders who raised that world wonder in the previous twenty years, but also the opportunity to gain experience. even the bad one in terms of guarding the pyramid from robbers, he used to make his future eternal house surpass that of his father.
Instead, the new ruler lightly gave up on such a possibility, reducing the height of his building by ten meters, although at the same time, historians say, he persistently tried to erase all traces of his father Cheops' existence, leaving only one figurine with his image. , found in a completely different place, while an inscription in the pyramid, which serves as the crowning proof that Cheops was its builder, could have been engraved later.
Third and most important, the reason why there are no phenomena in the Pyramid of Kefren that are shown in the Great Pyramid of Cheops, is that the proportions and dimensions that, as is now certain, enable the action of cosmic radiation or some other forces within the Pyramid of Cheops are not respected. It is known, and the invention was patented in 1959 by the Czech technical expert Karel Drbal, that even proportionally reduced models of the Cheops pyramid seem to sharpen blunt razor blades, purify polluted water, preserve food, keep milk fresh for a few days and similar things.
Therefore, taking into account the not so long ago discoveries of traces of water and winds on the Pyramid of Cheops and the Sphinx, which could have occurred only if they existed 12,000 years ago, while similar observations regarding the Pyramid of Kefren and Mycerinus have not been published, one: - The pharaohs, in the time of the Old Empire, already found the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx as remnants of some ancient civilization that existed on the soil of Egypt before them. In an attempt to imitate the architectural skill of ancient times, they first erected 'mastabs' - buildings made of unfired brick, then tombs marked with one or more stone squares, and the farthest went Kefren, who, despite the then developed branching technology, failed to reach his the pattern is neither in height nor in the internal construction and structure of the pyramid.
If there are any secret chambers in Kefren's pyramid, they may indeed contain gold and other valuables, as some experts assume. But, its purpose and function was not similar to the one of the Pyramid of Cheops, which even today tickles the imagination of both scientists and the ordinary world. (Third Eye - 2001)
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