The smart watch market is developing at an incredible pace!

Apple smart watches have been breaking sales records for years - they are the most popular devices on the wearable technology market.


According to a Counterpoint Research report, there are already 100 million active Apple Watch owners worldwide! That means that so many users were using the Apple Watch in the second quarter of 2021 - impressive! It's also worth noting that more than half of active watches are in the U.S.!


The good news isn't just about Apple, though. It turns out that the smart watch market grew by 27% over the year! This huge market growth is due to the great interest of customers in the cheapest devices - those for which we will pay a maximum of $100. Their market share is up 547 percent over 2020!


While Apple is still undividedly dominant, manufacturers like Samsung and Garmin are already trailing it - these companies recorded increases in shipments of as much as 43 percent and 62 percent, respectively, compared to the second quarter of 2020. Among the major brands operating in the wearable technology market, only Huawei suffered.


All this data clearly shows - the smartwatch market is growing at a crazy pace, and there is no question of stopping. Users love smart watches, which from generation to generation give us more and more opportunities to take care not only of our condition, but also of our health.


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