The Snapchat Mystery of November 2020

This story took place on the approximate date of November 18th, 2020. The era of technology had become bigger as the COVID-19 virus because prevwlant and more people found themselves engaged into social media applications such as Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, and of course Snapchat. But this here scenario is what was found on Snapchat. I'm going to tell you all the story of how I met a complete ghost on Snapchat. And yes, I know it sounds weird and strange, but I will get to that in just a moment. I was on Snapchat as I normally am daily and I receive a notification while on YouTube. This username added me and for story purposes we will say the username was Hailey98. Hailey98 added me by search and already I was weirded out. I'm on Snapchat daily, but I usually send streaks and would post my motivational quotes on my story. Then I would do the casual story watching for a while. But I was never shouted out by anyone, tagged in a story or post from anyone, nor mentioned. It more than weirded me out. So I see their name and just ignore the request, but then 2 minutes later I received another notification and I then open the Snapchat app. I see a new message from Hailey98. I open the message and it reads "Hello James". Now already I was weirded out, but now I was even more creeped out because they knew my name, which at the time was not apart of my Snapchat name. I just recently changed it to my name, since now you can change your username. But they knew my name and I was scared. I asked "who are you" to which they replied... "don't worry about that James". At this point further, I was terrified. I never get anything like this, so having this just happen basically made me worried. I asked them again who they were and what they wanted. And I said to them if they do not tell me, then I will block their account. So they read my message and said " I am your friend James, don't you remember me?". I immediately blocked the user. But that didn't stop them. They still watched my stories even though they were blocked and they still kept up with all my posts on my private story as well, which confused me and scared me because I had blocked this user, yet they could still see my content. I then received a message from Hailey98 and I was at a loss... I couldn't comprehend why Snapchat was still showing this user when I clearly blocked them and reported them both. Hailey98 said to me" why would you block your friend? That's not cool JamesπŸ™". I was more then worried now and I texted some of my friends on Snapchat and asked them if they ever experienced something like this where the user wouldn't be blocked after being blocked and they all said no out of the 6 people I asked. I then asked 1 more person, to which they did tell me how they did have the same situation with their Snapchat too where the user would be blocked, yet still message them, snap them videos and pictures and watch all their stories. I told him everything that happened with me and how this user was messaging me creepily and you will never believe what my friend said next and for the story we will call him Mike. And guess what Mike told me? He said he blocked a user by the name of Hailey98 just weeks ago. And he told me how they apparently go around dmimg people and saying similar things to other people too and not just me and they even pretended they knew some peoples personal information to scare them to talk to the user. Now this more than worried me and I talked with Mike longer and asked him, " so does the user still message you now?" Mike told me how at first the block didn't work, but then a week later it processed and the account was just gone. He no longer saw messages from Hailey98 or any story views. He said that it just happened that way and that to this day it is still a mystery to him. He told me to just ignore the person because all they could do was just keep messaging me through an app Β and try to scare me and harass me, which is their end goal. So, I decided to take Mike's advice and ignore the account and everyday I would get a ding from Hailey98 saying "text me back James" and "I miss you friend" and "don't leave your friend on delivered James, that's not nice". It went on for over 2 weeks, until finally the messaging stopped entirely. The account then disappeared. I couldn't find it anymore and I never saw it in my story views again. Flash forward to the present time now in August of 2022, and I still to this day have no idea what happened to the account. I am unsure if it was deleted from Snapchat or if they truly did vanish. Mike told me he tried to search up Hailey98, but got no results. I guess that may mean that they were deleted, but it could also mean that perhaps the block went through. But wouldn't that mean their name would be in the blocked list?? Strange enough, the name was not on my blocked list. It was just empty. I was left torn that day as I truly was entangled in a Snapchat mystery of a strange user who preys on random people to message them and harass them. But then one day suddenly disappear off Snapchat without even a single hint of what happened. It just all shocks me to this day and now whenever I get a strange account that adds me by username, I just ignore them and block them. But I just want to say to all of you out there to not be scared if someone does message you online. If you run into a strange user who is threatening you, tell someone. Tell a friend/friends, your parents if possible and then of course tell local authorities who will help on that matter because at that point the police are the ones who need to know, so they can track down the potential online predator/targeter. Just don't be afraid to speak up because you never know what Mystery lies on the world of Snapchat and everyday someone is being messaged by a strange new user....


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