The third dose of sinovac vaccine increased antibodies 2.5 times higher against the delta variant. Is it good news?

is the sinovac vaccine better?

Until now, many people have questioned whether the third dose of Sinovac vaccine is better than the previous dose. Because there are still not many studies that examine this problem. But it turns out the latest research shows that this third dose is better than the previous dose. 

This is the study, the measurement of the third dose of Sinovac vaccine was carried out 4 weeks after giving the vaccine. It turned out that the potential for increasing neutralizing against the delta variant increased by 2.5 times, indicating that the third dose of vaccine was much better than the previous dose. 

So we can conclude for people who don't know and are worried about the news circulating. That the third dose of Sinovac vaccine is much better because it can increase the ability of antibodies to the delta variant as much as 2.5 times higher than the second Covid-19 vaccine and survivors. 

But that doesn't mean people can be 100% safe, keep their health and always apply the existing protocols. Be careful for yourself and those around you.


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