1Feminists vs Antifeminists..(aka sexists?)

We all know how brutal the fight between them is.

One of the greatest battlefields is the the one where jokes are used as weapons of subtle verbal attacks. 

Anyway let's put the 2 camps against each other and see who wins the humor game... 


Dick pics are the human equivalent of a cat giving you a dead bird as a ‘gift.'” 


Every single party where women listen interestedly to men is an extended piece of performance art, and men have no idea.” —


Musicals are so stupid and unrealistic! Anyway, back to superheroes and romantic comedies where the male lead gets the girl by stalking her.”


Opinions on abortions are kinda like nipples.

Everyone has them, but women’s are a little bit more relevant. But all you ever see are men’s.


Saying you won’t date a feminist is a simpler way of saying you’re afraid of dating a woman who expects you to give her an orgasm too.” 


If men could get pregnant, abortion clinics would be like Starbucks: There would be two on every block, four in every airport, and the morning-after pill would come in different flavors like sea salt and cool ranch.”


A man asks, “God, why did you make women so beautiful?”

God responded, “So you would love her.” The man asks, “But God, why did you make her so patient?” God replied, “So she would love you.”


What’s a feminist’s favorite fruit to throw at a sexist man?





Now let's see some.... ANTI FEMINIST JOKES!!!

What do you call a letter from a feminist?

Hate male.


I went to a feminist picnic the other day.

It was great, apart from the fact no one made any sandwiches

Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.

Teach a feminist to fish and she will accuse you of patronising her, claim she knew how to do it anyway and that even if she didn’t, she could easily work it out without the help of a man.


Feminism: Strong, smart, and independent…


Until things get a little bit difficult.

What do you call a happy feminist?

I’ll let you know if I ever see one.


An angry feminist said to me today that all men are pigs.


So I told her that women are equal to men.

Why do sumo wrestlers shave their legs?

To avoid being mistaken for feminist


.A little girl says to her mother, “Mommy, I want to be a feminist when I grow up.”


Her Mom says, “Well pick one Sweetie, you can’t do both.”



What’s the difference between a baby and a feminist?


At some point in it’s life, a baby will grow up and stop crying.


I’m going to scream about the importance of feminism to the world until my voice becomes hoarse enough to be mistaken for a man’s and people actually start to listen to me.” —




Which camp do you think does better?


Let us know in the comments.


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