The wound that never heals

It all started with my summer camp which obviously i did not want to attend but we all have our reasons! My reason was my 12th grade senior jack! The most popular guy around in berkely. He had the most beautiful eyes and they seemed to have been way popular. Skipping to how gorgeous he was yeah,so there I was! Between kids that smelled like raw milk  and dirty under arms! The most boring summer camp of my life......

Phew from explaing the gorgeousness of a guy that I had a crush on to stating that it was the most boring summer camp.yeah a lot happened in between and i would love it for you guys to know whatever happened ..cos this is the story of me and how foolishly i fell in love with my high school senior.

Now although my life was not exactly what you'd want to put down in paper or on screen,it sure is something where u can learn from because not everyone is as lucky as me to have found love and to be let gone. Oops maybe i just spoiled some part of it yet i don't have any regrets.This article that I am writing is all about my feelings that i couldn't hold back back in my highschool days and yeeet it was the best moments or should I say the blue moments. Of course i grew up listening to Halsey so pretty much of my writings will not make sense to normal readers but the world knows nothing is what they say.

Heartbreaks are so common these days that maybe i didn't wanna write about mine but then i realised how special mine was so i had the feeling to put it down on a piece of paper and I'm kinda glad I did -

The guy who was my first love be continued at next article of "the wound that never heals"


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