The wrinkled smile,the mental Congestion

The Mental Congestion

So many people have their mind t, congested and disorganized.Depression,aniexty, feeling of neglect, rejection, frustration,anger and the fear of the unknown has made so many in a state of entropy.

  Emotion stress and mental stress shouldn't be taken for granted,if anyone or anything isn't making a Postive contribution for you, Leave them and focus on what's good for you mentally and mental Congestion could be licensed to an overshoot, where one's mind is cloudy, always thinking of what's next.Given today's Nigeria economy, the recurrent recession has made so many Nigerians to wander.Alot of Nigerian youths as a result of what to do are engaged in hard drugs and other forms of detestableness neglecting the outcome of their consequences.

   Quoting the world's Health Organization statistics, the house added, that over twenty million Nigerians were currently suffering from various degrees of mental illness or disorder without psychiatric health care.A lot of humans are going through daily stress, overthinking and worrying oneself is not a healthy way to stay aliy.people need to understand that life is short and must embrace the fact that healthy state of mind matters,let go of the past regardless of the hurt, embrace your self and move on there by experiencing peace because in life there is good, bad and ugly days.

Mental Congestion can lead to a lot of negative, unrewarding outcomes like

*Frustration *early aging

*Constant anger towards one self

*Hatred towards life *depression

*In some cases, suicide

It has been found that happier countries and people tend to commit suicide.A feeling of worthlessness, helplessness, powerlessness can push one to take his/her life.When one is mentally congested, ensure to open up to the right source, share challenges and talk about health problems, shed off anything that represents an extra weight, put the past behind you, brace yourself and don't forget to put on a genuine smile.


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