These Animal Are Extinct From The World

Way back 10,000 years. Earth is really filled with some kind of animal. Which may not be like now. In addition to their large size, they have their own uniqueness. Some of them have a lifespan of hundreds of years. However, natural conditions are changing. Making these animals very difficult to find. Below are the names of animals that have become extinct :

A. Megalodon Shark

Compared to ordinary sharks it is almost the size of a house. Its teeth were as sharp as the teeth of today's sharks. He moved at high speed. Not even dozens of bombs could kill him directly. Only predators of its size can compete with it in combat.

B. Coleacant

This fish is characterized by a curve like a secret code on its body. These animals always live alone. It's not a fish that likes to live in groups. People may find it difficult to find among hundreds of marine species if they do not use tools.

C. Mammoth Elephant

This type of animal is larger than an ordinary elephant. The most special thing is the thick fur that fills his body. And this makes it able to survive in extreme cold weather. The pace is slow though not as slow as the turtle.

D. Possum

You can call it brother squirrel. This animal can hang on the tree. Even in sleep state though. The food is nuts. Often they like to hide in the hole.

E. Tiger Sabertooth

Today's tigers probably don't have two teeth going down like this animal. Her body was even very elegant. So that the movement can be faster than an ordinary tiger when running. It's dangerous to be with a group.

F. Bird Dodo

A bird that has no wings so it can't fly. His ability to run very fast. This bird usually eats fruit as a daily food. Including one type of animal that likes to hibernate.

G. Pterosaurs

This bird can fly as far as kilometers. Like other birds he cannot swim. His main diet is all meat. Included in the high level carnivore. Fortunately, these animals usually live in hiding.

H. Plesiosaur

Looks like a turtle but has a long neck. These animals usually eat leaves. Not an aggressive animal that likes to prey. To protect themselves these animals have to hide somewhere.

J. Platypus

This animal can move fast like a mouse. But it can also swim into free waters. Their daily diet is small soft animals like worms. And including one of the nocturnal animals.

What we can do now is to protect the habitat of some rare animals from becoming extinct. Maybe somewhere wide on this earth. We can find one of them. Like the news about the dinosaurs in the ocean that have been scientifically declared lost. Although this is just a guess of some people only. Which of these animals caught your attention? And are there any of them in your environment who have a little resemblance to him. Extinction can be affected by food chain conditions, unfavorable climate, and also poaching. Luckily now we have a place like wildlife to preserve rare animals. And those who care begin to conduct a series of experiments. So hopefully the extinction of rare animals does not occur. A small example is a peacock which is quite beautiful when viewed closely. Who else has colorful feathers like him? It is possible that in the future new animals will appear. Like what exactly. We'll just have to wait to hear from the researchers.


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