This is an article about 20 interesting facts about animals

1 Chameleons can move their eyes in different directions simultaneously.

2 The squirrel is the best gardener. Millions of trees grow because squirrels forget where they hid their seeds.

3 An elephant's tooth can weigh up to nine pounds!

4 Mammals have red blood, insects have yellow blood, and lobsters have blue blood.

5 On average, cows poop 16 times a day.

6 Ants never sleep. Instead, they "rest" for eight minutes "to rest" twice a day. A queen ant's rest takes 90 minutes a day.

7. The basenji is the only dog that cannot bark.

8. Only half of a dolphin's brain is asleep. The other half is awake at the time, and monitors its surroundings.

9. The flea can only move by jumping, its leg muscles are arranged like catapults. They store energy and "shoot" the flea in a jump.

10. The eye of a giant squid is the size of a basketball.

11. hippos give birth underwater to protect their babies from falling!

12. A swan has over 25,000 feathers on its body.

13. an electric eel can produce energy that can light up 12 light bulbs.

14. Snakes can see through their eyelids.

15. Rats can laugh if tickled.

16. A mole can dig a tunnel up to 300 meters long, in one night

  17 Because of its constant smile, the quokka is known to be the happiest animal.

18 Navy SEALs can hold their breath for two hours.

19. When oysters need to reproduce, they can change their sex.

20. Crows are so clever that they like to sneak around! They can even sneak up behind a dog and playfully grab his tail with their beak.


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