tips on how to calm down when you're about to lose your cool

1-Ground yourself:

Using all five senses to focus is one of the most effective strategies for regaining inner peace. Begin this technique by sitting comfortably in a chair and taking 2-3 deep breaths. Observe your surroundings and engage your five senses.



Meditation is a good way to learn to depersonalize your thoughts and get rid of the source of your anger. Developing the ability to observe thoughts objectively, decipher what they are trying to tell us, and recognize deep emotions develops mindfulness. 


3-Analysis of your feelings:

When people feel they are not understood, they shout. Validate your own feelings and views, even if no one else does. Replace stressful thoughts with more realistic thoughts like, "This moment is hard, but I'll get through it." Tell yourself why these perceptions are wrong and become your own cheerleader.


4-Muscle relaxation:

When you are on the verge of losing your cool, your body stores a lot of energy. Physical activity is an effective and healthy way to expend excess energy. Jump, stretch, take a short walk around the block, swim, play your favorite sport, etc. Physical stress relief helps prevent emotional outbursts in the present. During exercise, endorphins and other stress-relieving hormones are released, which improves your mood.


5) Consultations:

The oldest, simplest, and most effective way to calm down is to talk about your worries with another person. If you don't feel like talking to anyone in your social circle, you can always visit a specialist.


6: Logical reasoning.

This strategy involves explaining your troubling thoughts. Stress makes it harder to focus on the rational or positive aspects of a situation. So you need to use logic in your thinking to figure out what the real problem is and how to solve it.


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