Top 10 most mysterious and inaccessible places on Earth

1.Neutrino Detector, Super-Kamiokande (Hida, Japan )

The neutrino is one of the most famous and mysterious particles in our Universe, which is very difficult to detect. Neutrino detectors are often built in isolated locations where they are protected from cosmic rays. A huge steel tank holding 50,000 tons of water and surrounded by a stunning array of 11,146 photomultiplier tubes used to detect the light produced when neutrinos interact with the surrounding water is something else Japan might surprise you with.

2.The Sunken Church of Potosí (Uribante, Venezuela)

For more than 30 years the former town of Potosi lived underwater after it was flooded by the construction of a dam. Today the tall Gothic church stands in the Venezuelan city of Uribante. For more than two decades, from 1985 to 2008, the church of Potosí was almost completely flooded. Severe droughts and water shortages in Venezuela led to the draining of the reservoir: by 2010 the water had almost completely receded, revealing a large area of flat land, and the entire church is now visible.

3.Devil's Bridge (Ardino, Bulgaria )

Although it is the most beautiful of the bridges crossing the Arda River, it has not yet been crossed by any traveler. The reason why some locals hesitate to cross the Devil's Bridge at night is because of dark lore.

4.The Buried Remains of Little Compton Street (London, England)

The buried remains of Little-Compton Street hide in plain sight beneath a grate of sewers on an unnamed traffic island in the middle of one of London's busiest streets, Charing Cross Road. Most traces of London's secret street have long since disappeared, but you can still see two perfectly preserved road signs if you know where to look.

5.Margalef , (Spain ).

A tiny village in Spain, located in a remote and fantastically inaccessible rock formation conglomerate. The town is literally hidden in the crevices of the surrounding mountain cliffs.

6.Red Sibich (Ngari, China)

The world's largest wetland and a swath of marshy flora glowing with an otherworldly red light. The bright red grass of the vast, alien landscape is like no other.

7.The Milky Sea ( Arabian Sea )

The largest bioluminescent zone in the world. This unusual phenomenon is so rare that for many years it was just a subject of folklore. Mention of it even appeared in "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" by Jules Verne! The phenomenon is supposedly caused by the bioluminescent bacteria Vibrio harveyi. The area of the glow is more than 15,400 square kilometers . The illuminated area of the sea is so large that the only way to experience the full effect is to see it from space.

8.Point Nemo (Ocean Pole of Inaccessibility)

Perfect for those addicted to remote experiences but not ready to freeze to death. In exchange for warmer weather, you give up the land. The most striking feature of the area may be the surprising amount of marine debris (mostly in the form of plastic).

9.St. Helena (Atlantic Ocean)

There's a reason why enemies weren't worried about Napoleon's escape when the exiled French emperor slipped away from the island of Elba. St. Helena is located as far as 1931 km off the southwest coast of Africa in the Atlantic Ocean.

10.Choquequirao (Peru).

Elevated ruins of the Incas. You can reach them through a grueling multi-day hike or a train/bus ride. Choquequirao is still in the development stage of public transportation. If you want to get there, you have to climb the Andes like the Incas did: the highest permanent settlement in the world is almost 5 km above sea level.


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