Top 11 Food to Help Boost the Immune System

To support your immune system, eat a healthy, well-balanced diet. Broccoli, turmeric, ginger, green tea can help support your immune system.

Consuming a balanced diet consisting of adequate protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals will help support your body’s immune system. Eating a healthy diet that contains the nutrients you need is the best way to support your immunity, helps to fit your body.

 Fill half of your plate with vegetables and fruit, and the rest of it with protein-rich foods, like eggs, chicken fish, and beans, and some whole grains like brown rice or oats. which is important to lead to good health. Here are some foods to support your immune system.



Unsalted almonds are one of the best things to keep around the house for a quick immune-boosting snack.

Almonds are rich in vitamin E, which is important for maintaining the immune system, This is because vitamin E is an antioxidant our immune system needs to function properly



Broccoli is a great immune-boosting vegetable because it’s so rich in nutrients. It’s rich in antioxidants, vitamins A, C, E (and) potassium and has lots of healthy benefits.


Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are high health benefits, such as anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, which can help support your immunity. In addition to helping support your immune system, citrus fruits also contain many vitamins and minerals that help maintain the body.


Dark, leafy greens

Dark, leafy greens are good sources of beta carotene, which is associated with reducing inflammation and increasing disease-fighting cells, which help support your immunity.

Since beta carotene converts to the fat-soluble vitamin A, it’s a good idea to pair dark, leafy greens with healthy fat, like nuts, for best absorption.



Garlic contains compounds that naturally act to destroy bacteria and infection, which helps support your immune system. Research suggests that consuming garlic may help reduce the risk of becoming sick and staying ill.


Pumpkin seeds

These small but mighty seeds are a good source of zinc, a mineral crucial for immune cells to function. About 1.5 ounces of pumpkin seeds provide about 20% of your daily requirement for zinc.



The medicinal properties of turmeric may be able to boost the immune system, even in people with immune disorders, turmeric can moderate the immune system.



Ginger’s antispasmodic properties come from its more than 60 trace minerals, well over 30 amino acids (many of them undiscovered), and more than 500 enzymes and coenzymes all working together to calm reactivity.


Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds are full of nutrients, including phosphorous, magnesium, and vitamins B-6 and E.

Vitamin E is important in regulating and maintaining immune system function.


Green tea

Green tea is good for your immune system has to do with inflammation. ... Polyphenols antioxidants in green tea reduce cancer risks by inhibiting or slowing down the oxidative damage process in our bodies. In particular stops cancer cells from growing and even directly kills them.



Papaya is loaded with vitamin C which can help boost immune function. This fruit also has a powerful antioxidant effect that can help fight against free radicals and reduce oxidative stress which often leads to diseases. You can eat freshly sliced papaya with some lemon juice to reap the benefits.


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