Top 6 Epic Things To Do in Exotic Angola

Angola is a beautiful country located in southern Africa along the western coast. Though it has been through periods of conflict, Angola has emerged as an exciting travel destination. Here are some fascinating facts about Angola and top things to see and do there.

Amazing Facts About Angola

- Angola has a coastline of over 900 miles along the Atlantic Ocean. Some of the best beaches in Africa can be found here.

- Angola is the 7th largest country in Africa by land area at 481,354 square miles. There are 18 provinces inside the country. 

- Portuguese is the official language, a remnant of Angola's colonial ties to Portugal which ended in 1975 after a long struggle for independence. Many local languages are also spoken.

- Angola is the second largest oil producing country in Sub-Saharan Africa. Oil production drives much of its economy.

- Angola has incredible biodiversity, from dry savannahs to rainforests. Elephants, giraffes, lions, zebra and hundreds of bird species live here.

Top Things to Do in Angola

1. Explore Luanda - Angola's capital is a bustling coastal city with Portuguese influences, nightlife, markets and urban culture. Don't miss the Fortress of São Miguel. 

2. Relax on Mussulo Island - Just offshore from Luanda, this island has tranquil beaches, lagoons, and waters perfect for snorkeling and diving.

3. Visit Kalandula Falls - Created by the Lucalla River, these stunning falls plunge over 450 feet into a canyon.

4. See Giant Sable Antelopes - Found only in Angola, explore their habitat in Cangandala National Park, one of many great parks. 

5. Take a Road Trip - Angola has a developing tourism infrastructure. Get off the beaten path by driving to see remote landscapes and towns. 

6. Go to a Music Festival - Angola has thriving music and dance culture. Time your visit around Carnival or festivals like Festival do Lubango.

Beyond the major highlights, Angola offers many hidden gems waiting to be uncovered. Venture outside the main attractions to have a truly immersive experience.

Interact with the locals! Angolans are known for their warmth, hospitality, and lively culture. Learn traditional dances, sample authentic dishes, or hear stories from village elders for an enriching cultural exchange. 

See Angola's colonial architecture by visiting churches, statues, fortresses, and buildings constructed by the Portuguese. The Fortress of São Miguel in Luanda dates back to the 16th century. Ruins like the old Ambriz Cathedral provide a window into the colonial past.

Experience breathtaking landscapes like the golden sand dunes of Namibe, stretching along the coastline. Or view rock paintings and engravings at Tchitundo-Hulu National Park, relics left by ancient peoples like the Bushmen. 

Go birdwatching! Angola's diversity of habitats makes it a birdwatcher's paradise. Find rare species like the Angola Cave-Chat, or tick off countless endemics. Quiçama National Park and Mount Moco are prime birding sites.

Looking for an adrenaline rush? Try exhilarating activities like surfing the massive waves at beaches south of Luanda, or whitewater rafting on the Cuanza River near the Gres and Quiriri waterfalls.

Sample Angola's excellent coffee grown in lush highland areas, paired perfectly with traditional pastries. Spend time relaxing at a sidewalk cafe in Lubango or Huambo.

Angola rewards intrepid travelers who want to experience nature, culture, history and adventure beyond the usual tourist circuit. With amazing landscapes, people and activities, Angola guarantees an unforgettable voyage of discovery.

Angola is ready to emerge as a new star for adventure travelers. Music, nature, beaches, animals and hospitable culture await those who visit this unique country.


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