Treatment of vascular insufficiency

Vascular insufficiency is a phenomenon associated with abnormal state of the circulatory system due to deterioration of tone, elasticity of blood vessels, as well as problems with blood flow through them and directly with the amount of blood itself.  As a result of a decrease in the velocity of blood flow, the transport of oxygen and nutrients through cell membranes is impaired. Hypoxia develops and cell and tissue function is impaired.


Pure vascular insufficiency is rare, most often simultaneously with the symptoms of vascular insufficiency there is a lack of heart muscle.


Types of vascular insufficiency


According to localization, vascular failure can be divided into: regional (affecting a particular part of the body) and systemic (affecting the vessels of the whole body).


Acute and chronic vascular insufficiency are distinguished according to the rate of formation and progression.


Acute failure develops with a sharp drop in vascular pressure, for example, in cardiogenic shock due to myocardial infarction. It is characterized by the development of collapse due to a pronounced drop in blood pressure. 


Chronic insufficiency develops over a long period of time when the blood pressure drops below 100/60 mmHg.  A wide group of diseases can be referred to this concept: thrombophlebitis, vertebrobasilar insufficiency, coronary heart disease, mesenteric vascular insufficiency and other conditions accompanied by ischemia. Chronic vascular insufficiency can be primary (develops due to violation of vegetative nervous system activity) and secondary (due to various diseases).


Causes of vascular insufficiency


The acute variety occurs with various cardiac pathologies, massive blood loss, poisoning, severe infections, adrenal insufficiency, organic lesions of the nervous system, extensive burns, craniocerebral and general trauma.


The primary causes of the chronic form are vegetative and neurological factors, organic lesions of the brain stem and heart, in which hypotension with constant low blood pressure is observed, and as a consequence, with constant systemic hypoxia of organs and systems, inability of adequate tissue perfusion at increasing consumption due to loads.


Symptoms of vascular insufficiency


Manifestations of vascular insufficiency depend on the type of insufficiency.


Acute vascular failure


Collapse - develops when there is a sharp drop in blood pressure. Develops suddenly, when within seconds the person begins to feel a sharp weakness, noise in the head, dizziness, the appearance of "shrouds" before the eyes. The person loses consciousness. The patient's skin is pale, cold, breathing is rapid and shallow.


Fainting develops with a sharp disruption of cerebral circulation. The patient loses consciousness for a few seconds or minutes, after darkening of the eyes, ringing in the ears, sharp weakness.

Chronic vascular insufficiency


Has signs of ischemia of organs and tissues, which is not pronounced:


Coldness of the extremities


Blushing of soft tissues in the periphery (fingertips, nose, earlobes)


Trophic disorders (loss and brittleness of hair, nails, loss of skin turgor and elasticity)


Decrease of pain and temperature sensitivity


Weakness in the extremities, especially after physical exertion


Muscular hypotrophy


Rapid fatigue


Chronic insufficiency of cerebral circulation is manifested by frequent headaches, dizziness, diminished consciousness, reduced memory, attention and ability to concentrate


Chronic mesenteric ischemia manifests as symptoms of dyspepsia (nausea, vomiting), pain in the abdomen and epigastrium


Diagnosis of vascular insufficiency


To the extent that the symptoms of vascular insufficiency are not always pronounced, to clarify the diagnosis of the pathology with the subsequent choice of the optimal treatment regimen, the patient will need to undergo several types of examinations. These include:


Orthostatic test. Control of pressure in the state of activity, passivity, when changing the position of the body.


Plethysmography. Necessary to determine vascular tone.


ECG diagnostics. Conducted to detect abnormalities of the heart muscle in hemodynamics.


Ultrasound diagnosis of the heart. Allows to establish the need for treatment of cardiac diseases present.


Comprehensive diagnostics allows identifying the cause-and-effect relationship between symptoms and features of the disease, which in turn allows the doctor to choose the right treatment regimen and effective prevention methods in the future.


Treatment of vascular insufficiency


The key method of treatment of vascular insufficiency for the past few years is the prescription of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors. This group of drugs dilates the arteries, reduces the peripheral resistance of blood vessels, helps to restore the function of their inner sheath, and facilitates heart function. If the symptoms of vascular insufficiency have developed against the background of the diagnosis of another pathology, the main treatment should be aimed at eliminating the underlying cause.


The best prevention of vascular insufficiency is the prevention of diseases that may cause it. It is recommended to monitor the condition of blood vessels, to consume less cholesterol, to undergo regular examinations of the circulatory system and the heart. In some cases hypotensive patients are prescribed a preventive course of blood pressure supporting drugs.


At our Medical Center "North" in Aleksandrov the reception is conducted by an experienced cardiologist, a specialist of high class, who will conduct a comprehensive diagnosis of the disease and prescribe the necessary treatment.


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I'm Maxim. Н. Universal artist striving for the best, trying to change the world as well. Peaceful skies overhead