Understanding the phrase: "Heroes without a goal"

The world is full of heroes. People who do good deeds and put others first, often without any recognition. But what happens when a hero doesn't have a goal? They become lost, without a sense of purpose.


This is the story of many people in today's society. They don't know what they want to do with their lives, so they do nothing. And while this may seem like the easy way out, it's actually one of the hardest paths to take.


Heroes without a goal are not heroes at all. They are simply people who have the opportunity to become heroes, but they squander that opportunity. This is usually because they do not have a goal to drive them forward, and so they become bogged down by the minor problems and distractions of life.


Heroes with a goal, on the other hand, are able to overcome any obstacle. These heroes actually know what they want and are willing, ever ready to fight for it with everything they've got. Their goal becomes their driving force, pushing them to greater heights and enabling them to achieve things that others thought were impossible. So if you want to be a hero or be called one, You have to be willing to have a definite goal spelt out correctly. Only then you will be referred to as a true hero and accorded the respect and recognition you perhaps crave for or the inward feeling of contentment you feel within. If you don't have that definite goal, you will continue to bask in delusional grandeur of a hero's vibe which can be sometimes detrimental.


Heroes without a goal is one of the most famous and talked-about topics in the world. This is because heroes without a goal are everywhere. They are in our families, our communities, and even our workplaces.


In many cases, it seems that society has created a somewhat superhero culture, with people looking up to those who have no real goals in life. For instance; These so-called societal heroes will start up a cause like a protest to lament over the poor infrastructure development and welfare of the citizens in their society. however, when they are threatened by the powers that be, these heroes chicken-out and abandon the cause totally and jet off on exile to some distant land. Heroes without a goal indeed.


Do you think this is a bad thing? In what ways can society benefit from having heroes who don't just blindly follow orders? Please do well to share your thoughts in the comments section.


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