Unemployment - How it feels?

UNEMPLOYED - A Struggle for a good life

  • Unemployed a term which defines the financial status of what you have achieved and what is your current economic condition. In true words, an unemployed means the one looking for job to earn his living and survive the era of technologies. We are a part of society where one needs to be employed to be considered as a human being. If you are unemployed there will be no difference between you and a stray animals, you will be treated as a part of animals too. There will be no respect and no love for you in this society and the hardest part the surviving part in this society will be the toughest part.
  • The term unemployment refers to a situation when a person who is actively searching for employment is unable to find work. Unemployment is considered to be a key measure of the health of the economy. The most frequent measure of unemployment is the unemployment rate, which is the number of unemployed people divided by the number of people in the labor force. Many governments offer unemployment insurance to certain unemployed individuals who meet eligibility requirements.
  • High rates of unemployment are a signal of economic distress while extremely low rates of unemployment may signal an overheated economics.
  • Unemployment data are collected and published by government agencies in a variety of ways.
  • Many governments offer unemployed individuals with unemployment insurance as long as they meet certain requirements.


There have always been the reasons for being unemployed and factors associated with it which has been maily abstracted into two categories voluntary and involuntary. Again it is sub divided into four categories.

Frictional Unemployment

Frictional unemployment occurs when people voluntarily change jobs within an economy. After a person leaves a company, it naturally takes time to find another job. Similarly, graduates just entering the workforce add to frictional unemployment.


This type of unemployment is usually short-lived. It is also the least problematic from an economic standpoint.


Frictional unemployment is a natural result of the fact that market processes take time and information can be costly. Searching for a new job, recruiting new workers, and matching the right workers to the right jobs all take time and effort, resulting in frictional unemployment.


Cyclical Unemployment

Cyclical unemployment is the variation in the number of unemployed workers over the course of economic upturns and downturns, such as those related to changes in oil prices. Unemployment rises during recessionary periods and declines during periods of economic growth.


Preventing and alleviating cyclical unemployment during recessions is one of the key reasons for the study of economics and the purpose of the various policy tools that governments employ on the downside of business cycles to stimulate the economy.


Structural Unemployment

Structural unemployment comes about through a technological change in the structure of the economy in which labor markets operate. Technological changes, such as the replacement of horse-drawn transport by automobiles or the automation of manufacturing, lead to unemployment among workers displaced from jobs that are no longer needed.


Retraining these workers can be difficult, costly, and time-consuming, and displaced workers often end up either unemployed for extended periods or leaving the labor force entirely.


Institutional Unemployment

Institutional unemployment results from long-term or permanent institutional factors and incentives in the economy. The following can all contribute to institutional unemployment:

  • government policies, such as high minimum wage floors, generous social benefits programs, and restrictive occupational licensing laws
  • labor market phenomena, such as efficiency wages and discriminatory hiring labor market institutions, such as high rates of unionization. 


Unemployment is a key economic indicator because it signals the ability (or inability) of workers to readily obtain gainful work to contribute to the productive output of the economy. This doesn't include people who leave the workforce for other reasons, such as retirement, higher education, and disability. More unemployed workers mean less total economic production will take place than might have otherwise.


Unemployed workers must maintain at least subsistence consumption during their period of unemployment. This means an economy with high unemployment has lower output without a proportional decline in the need for basic consumption. High, persistent unemployment can signal serious distress in an economy and even lead to social and political upheaval.

Live By Faith And Not By Sight:

Living our life by faith is easier said than done. When the situation is not positive and the odds are totally against us how can we put our faith in the unseen God? Friend, start with small things. The Bible says, “Taste and see that the Lord is Good“. We need to start somewhere. As you learn to trust Him and taste His goodness, you will never go away to another source. You can start your journey right now. Right at the place where you are. Do not look at your situation, but look at the God who is bigger than the situation. God can surely hold your hands and take you through the difficult situation you face right now: 

God created us. We lose our purpose when we move away from the creator. Our life loses its meaning when God is not with us. To find the purpose our life, we need to move back to the creator. He alone can provide meaning and purpose to our life. You might think there is no solution right now for the problem you are going through. But God can open the ways for you.  

Spending time with God by reading His scripture and praying to Him is our lifeline for peace and happiness. It helps us to know what God wants us to do. Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest“. We are the child of most high God. He wants to fill our lives with peace. Jesus wants to heal all the broken pieces of our hearts. Are we ready to run to the arms of Jesus today? Jesus is waiting for everyone like a father who waits for His children to return to Him. You can read here to know how to reconcile with Jesus by asking forgiveness for past mistakes.

Be Connected With People You Love:


Independent of the situation, we need to be connected with our friends and relatives. Do not shut them off because of the personal situation. It will be difficult to share, for example, the loss of a job with close friends. It might create identity issues. But let that not stop us from connecting with friends. We all are social animals. We need to connect with people, and our relationship should stay healthy in order to survive in life. Jesus can heal your marriage relationship

Overcome The Fear Of The Future:


Dear friend, one of the main ways through which the enemy attacks our mind is by creating fear. The fear can enter our minds without reason. When we do not place the future in the most trusted hands of God the enemy Satan will toy with our emotions to create fear about the future. God says, “Do Not Fear, For I Am With You; Do Not Be Dismayed, For I Am Your God. I Will Strengthen You And Help You; I Will Uphold You With My Righteous Right Hand”. We have indirect control over our future when we trust and place the future in God’s hands. The Bible says, “If you make the Lord your refuge, if you make the Most High your shelter, no evil will conquer you; no plague will come near your home. For he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go. They will hold you up with their hands so you won’t even hurt your foot on a stone”


So, today in this article we are going to discuss about one of the greatest actor and legend ROBERT DAWNEY JUNIOR,

However, repeated arrests and jail time meant he was fired from subsequent seasons of the show.

He lost out on several movies as well. Woody Allen couldn't cast him in a movie because he couldn't get insurance. Mel Gibson had to cancel his stage production of Hamlet for similar reasons.

Robert's personal life was in turmoil too. His relationship with Sarah Jessica Parker ended because of his drug abuse and his marriage with Deborah Falconer ended in divorce.

But, the actor eventually turned up leaving depression behind and making the most of the talent to work and made him one of the hihest paid actor. He gave back to back hit movies resulting into known him by famous name "I AM SUPERMAN 3000" he is the most loved actor across the world.


Sometimes we don't need stories to motivate, we need people to support us motivate us so that we can dig the best version present in us.

               " after every long night there will be a sunlight lets hope the new sunlight brings everyone the achivement and hapiness they deserve"


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