When you don't feel satisfied in the workplace you are in, it can seem tempting to want to change everything. In one fell swoop, you can change not only what you do, but also where you work, who you work with, and how you approach your job.
Of course, this is a very risky move. A new position often means, at least for a while, a decrease in pay, prestige, etc. Such changes often require additional training or education.
Before you decide to change jobs and positions, answer the following questions for yourself.
1. What do you dislike about your current job?
If you cannot articulate the reasons why you want to leave the job, you may find yourself in a similar dissatisfaction situation in your new job.
Are your thoughts about leaving related to the fact that you want to get away from your current manager, your colleagues, or the project you are working on? Many of the problems that seem to be inherent in your job may actually be rooted in the characteristics of your current position or employer. Such problems are easier to solve in your current job than to fundamentally change your career.
2. What do you like about your position?
Very often dissatisfaction with some elements of your job can be outweighed by the huge pluses and satisfaction from your work. Think about the positives of your position and where you work. The positives can include good bonuses, interesting and meaningful projects, and a wonderful team. Think about what you stand to lose by moving to another job.
3. how familiar are you with your desired field?
Considering information about the field where you would like to find a job would be helpful. But it's better to talk to people who work in the field because they can give you more realistic information. They can help you open your eyes to the type of work you want to do without the rose-colored glasses.
Take advantage of professional and social networking sites to get to know the people who are working in the field you are interested in. Arrange a so-called "interview" with them or buy them lunch in exchange for information.
4. Do you like your new field?
If your desire hinges solely on an increased salary, you probably won't enjoy your new job for long. A strong personal attachment to your new job can ease the transition. Without this kind of interest and desire to work, you can't be 100% satisfied with your job.
5. How employable are your skills in the new job?
The newer the desired field of work for you, the less applicable your skills may be. Talk to people who work in the field and find out how widely your skills from your current job can be applied. If these people don't see a connection to your current and future responsibilities, your employer isn't likely to either.
If the answers to these questions further strengthen your desire to change jobs, then do it. Nevertheless, there is no guarantee that you will like the new job, although you have good reason to believe that the risk is worth it. Even if the new path you choose won't be smooth, you'll probably enjoy it more.
Keep in mind that your transition doesn't have to be abrupt. Try to gradually prepare yourself for the change in activities. If necessary, take courses to upgrade your skills. Such precautions can help smooth out the thrill of changing careers.
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