Want to beat your crush? So try these 3 easiest solutions !! Know which are?

Want to beat your crush? So try these 3 easiest solutions !! Know which are ...

 Hello friends and welcome to today's post. Friends, in this post today, we are going to tell you about the things that come in very beneficial and remedy ... if friends do you like a girl? And any girl is your crush? So how can you beat it? Friends, in this post today, we are going to let you know about 3 such tips, which you can use to easily crack your crush !! If friends you want to know about these tips? So friends, you have a request, you must read this post till the end! So let's know friends, 3 tips in detail -



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 1. Compliment Crush

 Friends, there will hardly be such a girl in the world! Who doesn't like to hear your praise? Guys, every girl loves to hear her compliments! If you like a girl? And you want to make him your friend? So first of all, friends, you have to appreciate any of their things! But yes friends, keep this thing in mind! That you don't have to praise much !! If you praise him more, then that girl will feel that you are 'climbing on the tree of gram'! So friends, you just have to praise him simple, so that he can be easily patted and impressed.

 2. Laugh Crush

 Guys, most girls always like laughable boys. Because such boys are always looking for ways to entertain their partners, and enjoy life. Friends, girls do not like boys who are always calm or do not say anything! Friends if you also have a friend? And you want to beat him? Then you too have to learn to joke a little! Or you have to do your 'sense of humor' better! Only friends, whenever you talk to a girl, talk to them as a little laughing joke! So that the girl is comfortable with you and also befriends you soon.

 3. Think before you speak

 Friends, many boys have such a habit. Those who speak, give the girl all the information about herself! And the girl comes to know everything about you. Friends, you always have to think and talk while talking to a girl! Or to say less! By doing this, friends girl will want to know about you! And she would like to talk to you herself. Then friends then you can carry on your relationship! And you can also befriend them! So friends, you must follow these 3 tips. If you have a crush, maybe you should follow these tips and get into that too. And might want to befriend you. Thank you.


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