What are the benefits of pears

Among other things, pears can boost your immune system.

"He who eats an apple a day never has a doctor," the old saying goes. Even though we know that apples can't be compared to pears, we'll do it anyway. Because pears are also very healthy. We give you five reasons why you should eat pears every day

Pears are great for your heart and blood vessels.

This is due to the fiber in the fruit. It can help lower cholesterol and blood pressure.


Less chance of type 2 diabetes

In addition to fiber, pears also contain flavanols and anti-hygids. These three are combined together to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. This is due to their ability to increase insulin resistance, which makes it easier for insulin and glucose to be absorbed into the bloodstream.


  Stronger immune system.ears are full of antioxidants such as vitamin C and copper. These antioxidants help your immune system work better, protecting you from disease. And these days, that's more than a luxury. And if you do get sick, pears can help you heal faster.


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