What are you putting in your mouth?

Have you taken the time to examine the ingredients label on products you consume? I went down a rabbit hole researching, and I found a lot of elements, that have my mind needing to research further and further.

The product I would like to break down for you in this article is red bull, which is giving you understanding and knowledge on ingredients that are in a lot of things you eat. I will go down the list and provide you with the best knowledge to my ability.

Carbonated water, carbonated water is your regular water mixed with gas (CO2) during processing it becomes carbonic acid, which alone may not harm your teeth but mixed with sugars and other ingredients could influence the enamel of your teeth, the CO2 gas can cause burping gas and other symptoms such as bloating, so if you have those issues often what you are consuming could be the culprit. If you are nursing you may want to do some more research.


There is sugar and glucose in Redbull, but we can wait for those in another article. For now, I would like to move on to citric acid.

Citric acid is in a lot of daily consumed products what is it? Is it a mold byproduct? I suggest you look up hidden GMO products since the 1900s, and what the FDA passes as fine, do you have symptoms of upset stomach cramping and even hives after consumption of citrus acid, which without being modified would come from a fruit?


The next product is taurine, I will not be discussing this ingredient within this article, I am going to move on to "natural and artificial flavors".

Natural and artificial flavors, what does that mean and what does it consist of? When you see the word natural, you would assume it's completely natural but is that the case? They may take a natural chemical out of fruit and mix it with others to obtain a certain taste they are looking for when it comes to natural flavors, artificial flavors are synthetically finding compounds similar to what is found in the "natural source". I suggest researching what's cheaper making food with natural products or synthetic ones.


What do colors mean on your ingredients label? I am going to recommend you search FDAs colors and what has passed in the US, but not other places, Also search what "disabilities or diseases" may be linked to these colors (dyes) are they truly safe?

In conclusion, research goes a long way, not knowing what you are putting in your mouth can be scary and discouraging, I plan to inform you so you can make the best decision's that will benefit you and your loved ones, I am not a professional just a research enthusiast trying to get to the realities of this world.

If you are daring enough to go down a rabbit like me, you may truly be stunned, this is my first article if you would like more articles on this subject. I will gladly continue to inform you with as much truthful knowledge of my abilities.


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