What breed of dog to turn to for a private house

What breed of dog to turn to for a private house

First of all, it is necessary to find out for which purpose you need a dog.

Keeping a dog in the countryside has its own peculiarities. So, before you get a dog it is necessary to be responsible for the choice of breed. Not all dogs are comfortable to live in the cottage.First of all, it is necessary to determine for which purpose you need the dog. If the dog will live in the house and only occasionally go out into the street to run around on the grass and enjoy the fresh air, then all the same breeds will be suitable for living in a private home, as well as for apartments. But mostly those who live in vacation homes want to keep their pets in the enclosure and let them out on the property from time to time, mainly for protection. However, not all breeds of dogs are suitable for outdoor care.

Today there are over 400 breeds of dogs. Many of them were formed during several centuries. The selection of individuals was carried out according to certain parameters. Now, as they say, genes can not put a finger. Therefore, do not expect that the representative of the myslivian breed will be biased towards your rabbits, chickens and other livestock.

Dogs for the protection of the private house

If you live out of town all the time, want to feel safe and do not like unhappy guests, the dog will become an excellent guardian and your protector. Large dog is best suited for this role. They should be chosen from among the watchmen and service dogs. Also, shepherd breeds that have been bred for the first time for the protection of livestock from wild animals are good for the function of the keeper.


For example, for outdoor keeping on the land a Moscow guard dog, a Caucasian sheepdog, a Mid Asian sheepdog (Alabai) would be best suited, Russian black terrier, German sheepdog, North European sheepdog, Maremma-Abrutish sheepdog (Maremma), Ugrian Kuvash, Pirengean mountain dog, Leonberger.


It is obligatory to build a good pit, which will protect the dog from harm, and to build a spacious aviary so that the dog can grow his hands. All of these dogs are very large, so they will be uncomfortable in a one-meter by one-meter enclosure. Bear this in mind, before you get a dog in the cottage, and do not obstruct the "housing" for the trainee, because he will become not only your guardian, but also a loyal friend. When building a shelter take into account the size of the dog. In it the dog must be able to stand or lie down with all his paws extended.


You can also add to smaller dogs. The Rottweiler, Doberman, Bullmastiff, Yerdel-terrier, American bulldog, Renzenschnauzer will also be suitable for house hunting. But these dogs have a less dense coat (especially Dobermans), so in the climate of the average smoothness in the streets sometimes they will not have enough time. For such a dog it is necessary to build an insulated kennel or allow them to sleep in the house at night.


But keep in mind: all dogs assigned to the guard are very powerful. In order not to be bitten by your guard, you must be able to build a proper relationship with him. Each dog must be trained and undergo a general training course under the supervision of an experienced dog handler.


But if you want the dog only sends a signal that a stranger is approaching the area and annoys the enemy with its large size, you can get a Newfoundland, Saint Bernard or Bernese Sennenhund. These large companion dogs are very friendly with people and will hardly hurt the stranger who sneaks into your house if he tries to enter, but they will only knock him down. However, low woofiness and considerable size of these good fellows is not bad for nondovers.


Moreover, these dogs are worth taking into consideration if you have small children. Good healthy people do not show aggression to the child, even if the child pulls them by the tail, ears, paws. Although this should not be done at any time - explain to the children how to behave with the animals at a later time.

Companion dogs


If you are looking for a companion dog and not a guardian, there is a lot of room for maneuver when it comes to breed selection. Guess the dog's temperament and size. If your property is quite spacious and you often plan to go into the woods or onto the lake with the dog, get a Labrador, Border Collie, Australian Shepherd (Aussie), Golden Retriever, Siberian Husky, Boxer, Samoyed, Alaskan Malamute.

These dogs like to spend time with people and require long walks. If such a dog is kept in four walls, he will start to grind furniture in the house, make digging under the park, etc. That is why it is necessary to give the little friend enough time and play with him, but not to leave him in the enclosure alone with himself.


But keep in mind: from this list of breeds only the northern riding dogs (Husky, Malamute, Samoyed) are able to live outdoors. Other trainees do not have a thick coat with undercoat, to feel comfortable in the cold, so they have to stay in the house.


Many terriers, dachshunds, huskies, polecats and other lovely breeds will suit only those people who plan to use these dogs for hiking in the woods. Or for gardeners who do not grow anything in the garden or in the city and never let the dogs out of their plot. Otherwise you will expect beds, plowed over the dog in pursuit of mice and moles, trampled lawn and constant complaints from neighbors, that your Tuzik, Rex or Mukhtar again strangled their chicken or rabbit.


If you are not ready to keep a big and active dog in the house or you don't live at the cottage all the time, but you get there every weekend by public transport, then a dog of small size will be very suitable for you: Terrier, Maltese Bologna, Chihuahua, French Bulldog, Zwergpinscher, Zwergschnauzer, Pomeranian Spitz, Papillon, Brussels Griffon, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.


These compact breeders is easy to carry in a special carrier. Though they are small, they provide enough love for everyone in your family!


Of course, this is not the full list of breeds of dogs that are suitable for the family home. Do not forget about the mongrels, because they are not worse than thoroughbreds.


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