What causes the temperature in outer space to be so extreme and cold?

The temperature in outer space never fails to intrigue people. How does it feel in outer space? Is it colder or hotter? Outer space is a place full of mysteries. Not many people have actually been there because the risks are great. Conditions in outer space that are very different from Earth make it uninhabitable for humans. Because basically, Earth is the only place where humans can live. Planet Earth is the only planet that has oxygen. In addition, radiation from the sun is also blocked by the Earth's atmosphere, so it is not so deadly.

1. Extreme Temperature Levels in Space

Space technology is increasingly developing to make new discoveries that are very helpful for science. Even so, the vast outer space still holds many mysteries. One of the most frequently asked questions is the temperature there. In outer space, to be precise in our solar system, there is the Sun which is a source of heat. In fact, on Earth, which is not so close to the Sun, it feels hot. The sun's heat that reaches Earth has been split and blocked by the atmospheric layer so that it is not deadly. That way, maybe the temperature in outer space is very hot. However, this perception turned out to be very wrong. The temperature in outer space is very cold. Outer space in its sense is a vacuum in the universe. The sun is a ball of gaseous fire that has a core temperature of up to 15 million degrees Celsius with a surface temperature of 5,500 degrees Celsius. The normal temperature in outer space can reach minus 270 degrees Celsius. A NASA scientist named Elisabeth Abel who works on the Parker Solar Probe and studies the Sun says that the solar system has very extreme temperatures. Hot and cold temperatures in outer space have a very big difference. When exposed to solar radiation reaches 150 degrees Celsius. The temperature is even hotter than boiling water. That is why, astronauts who undergo space flight missions will use special clothes. The function of the suit is to protect the astronauts from exposure to radiation and the sun's extreme temperatures. However, this hot temperature does not always occur. The sun can conduct heat if there is an intermediary or medium. Heat transfer in a vacuum usually involves light.

2. Is Outer Space Always Cold?

The average temperature in outer space can reach minus 270 degrees Celsius. Because in space there are no molecules that rub against each other, then heat can just be released and not stored. That is why, the sun's heat in outer space does not last long. Objects that are able to receive heat have a high temperature, while those that are not constant will have a cold temperature. Temperatures on other planets are just as extreme. Among all the planets, only Earth has a stable temperature for humans. On other planets, the temperature of the part exposed to the Sun and no different. The side that is exposed to solar radiation is during the day, while the side that is not is at night. The difference in hot temperatures during the day and night can reach 100 degrees Celsius, or even more. This is because they do not have the ability to store heat. Solar radiation during the day will not be stored anywhere. So that when the irradiation stops, the temperature will drop and be extreme. Actually there are many things that affect the temperature in outer space. Mercury, the planet closest to the Sun, is not the hottest planet, but Venus. The planet Venus, which is second to Mercury, has the hottest temperature of up to 460 degrees Celsius. This is due to the presence of thick clouds of carbon dioxide that prevent heat from escaping into space.

3. Cause the Earth Can Store Heat

Unlike other planets, the difference in temperature between day and night on Earth is not that extreme. Solar radiation heat will be stored in a thick layer of Earth's atmosphere. So, when it's nighttime and the sun's light stops shining, the atmosphere will still give off the heat they store. As a result, the temperature on Earth is still more stable than on other planets. The difference in the average temperature on Earth is also only around 3 to 5 degrees Celsius. In contrast to the temperature in outer space which is even more than hundreds of degrees Celsius so it is very dangerous for humans.


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