What coffee drinks you can make at home

Irish Coffee

When it comes to varieties of coffee drink, most people think of the traditional list: Americano, cappuccino and espresso. These are familiar ingredients that make you feel more alert and energized in the morning. But there are also times when coffee is meant to be a reason to relax. After all, why not? Add a little Irish whiskey, cane sugar and cream, and there's an evening cozy cocktail - Irish coffee - ready. It will be appropriate for a noisy party as well as for a relaxing get-together with friends and relatives and you will be in a good mood.

Interesting Fact

Until the end of World War II, flying from Europe to the U.S. was the lot of only those who had no fear. Is it any joke to spend 18 hours in the air in a leaky and unheated cabin? British aircraft stopped at Shannon Airport in Ireland for refueling and from there passengers were taken to Foynes, the port town where the terminal was located. Due to inclement weather, important people were often delayed in Shannon and Foynes. The administration, with this fact in mind, invited Joseph Sheridan, a well-known Dublin chef, to work in the airport restaurant. One rainy evening he offered black coffee, lavishly laced with whiskey, to the chilly travelers. Until that day, whiskey and diluted tea had been used to ward off the cold and autumnal weather in Ireland, but the chef decided that the frozen travelers needed something stronger. And, as time showed, he was not mistaken.

How to top off a cappuccino

You can get a nice warming fall drink by adding the right ingredients to a classic cappuccino. Add whatever spices you prefer. You can safely choose any spices: from the classic ginger and cinnamon to badjanin and anise. However, you need to remember a few nuances:

The taste and aroma of coffee should emphasize, nuance, but not destroy - use spices carefully, in small doses.

Use spices, becoming familiar with their properties. So you can prepare not only tasty, but also useful drink.

It is better to buy spices whole and grind them just before cooking, spices can change their flavor, and over time and lose it altogether.

How to make a latte

This delicate coffee mix comes from Italy. That's where they invented mixing freshly brewed espresso and whipped milk, hot or cold.

Milk foam should occupy a large part of the glass, so whip it carefully. You can decorate the airy surface with ground cinnamon, chocolate or nut chips. In addition, Italian coffee addicts recommend adding a little amaretto syrup, which, combined with milk, perfectly enhances the taste of coffee.

Italians usually make lattes at home and drink them at breakfast. In extreme cases, before dinner. And it's also important to remember that when you ask for a latte in an Italian coffee shop, you'll just get a glass of milk, because that's how the word is translated. If you still want coffee, you should order "caffe latte".

How to Make Raff Coffee

Raff was invented in Russia in the late 90s. Since then, it has been beloved by many coffee aficionados and has become widely popular around the world. The composition of this coffee cocktail resembles a latte. The main difference is the use of heated cream with a small amount of foam and vanilla sugar instead of milk.

Various syrups and cinnamon are often added to the drink, but there are also versions with more unusual ingredients - honey, lavender flowers, herbal and cream liqueurs.

Interesting fact

The word "raff", which has now become a common name for many varieties of coffee mixes, comes from an abbreviated name of Raphael. That was the name of a regular customer in a Moscow coffee house, who once asked a barista to prepare something unusual especially for him. However, coffee "for Raphael" soon became popular with other customers, and after a while it appeared on the menu of most Moscow establishments.

How to make glasse

The classic version of the glasse assumes a ball of vanilla ice cream in the composition, but there is absolutely no reason to limit your imagination. You can supplement the drink with a variety of ingredients:

Whipped cream will add tenderness and make the serving more spectacular.

Syrups in coffee for those who are not afraid for the figure, will add everything: sweetness, richness, flavor, new shades, but also the caloric content.

Waffle crumbs, chocolate shavings, pieces of cookies or biscuits, marmalade - all this will make the drink not only tastier, but also more beautiful.

How to Make Tangy, Spicy Coffee

Some people associate coffee with an understated bitterness, some associate it with a rich creamy flavor, and some are convinced that good coffee is exceptionally sweet. If you want a really unusual and unusual drink, add a little pepper, salt and garlic. This experiment will appeal to lovers of spicy notes.

What can you make?

In making coffee drinks you can experiment a lot and boldly with ways, ingredients and varieties of coffee, or you can strictly follow classic recipes. The key to success will always be quality beans and good water. Order premium grade coffee beans and all the other ingredients for your coffee masterpiece on our website.

What is your favorite coffee?


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