What Cucumber did to my body after consuming it for a month

Cucumbers are low in calories and contain many important vitamins and minerals as well as a high water content and soluble fibre which aid in weight loss.

They also contains high amount of vitaminC,antioxidants such as beta carotene in cucumber can help fight free radicals in your body.Vitamink  in cucumbers helps with blood clotting,support bone health and help improve calcium absorbtion


Cucumbers contain high amount of bitter tasting nutrient known as cucurbitacin.cucurbitacin may help prevent cancer by stopping  cancer cells  from reproducing.a slice cucumber with its skin provides 1g of fibre and it help protect against colerectal cancer 


Cucumber may play a role in controlling  and preventing diabetes.it contain substance that may help lower blood sugar or stop blood glucose from rising too high.cucurbitacins in cucumber  help regulate insulin 


Cucumber may have anti-inflamation benefits.inflamation is a function of the immune system.inflamation may help trigger the development  health conditions such as






The nutrient in cucumber may provide benefit for skin health. Rubbing sliced cucumber to the skin can help cool and sooth the skin,reduce swelling and irritation.it decrease morning puffiness when placed on the eyes and also alleviate sunburn.

Sunburn to get rid of sunburn blend and strain the cucumber  to collect the juice.apply the juice on the skin and leave it for 30minute then rinse

Cucumber may lead to many potential health benefit,including weight loss,balance  hydration, digestive regularity and lower blood sugar levels 

To maximise their  nutrient  content,cucumber  should be eaten  unpeeled.peeling them reduces the amount  of fibre,vitamins and minerals.you can consume plenty of it without packing on extra calories that lead to weight gain

The higher water content of cucumber could aid in weight loss and this has helped me loss 20kg after consuming it for one month,the picture below is the result


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