what foods contain vitamin d

Among the most important foods from which you can get vitamin D:

Fatty fish: Fatty fish and oils extracted from fish are among the richest foods in vitamin D, as they provide approximately 51-117% of the daily vitamin requirement, including salmon, herring, canned tuna, sardines, and cod liver oil.

Mushrooms: Some types of mushrooms provide approximately 12-95% of the daily requirement for vitamin D, depending on the type.

  Egg yolks: Eating two large eggs may provide you with approximately 15% of the daily requirement of vitamin D.

  Meat: specifically red meat, liver, and foods fortified with vitamin D


There are many foods that are usually supplied with vitamin D when manufactured to increase their nutritional benefit, and you can therefore eat them, but you must be careful because these foods often also contain hydrogenated sugars and fats, so it is important to pay attention to the ingredients and choose the types free of

Sugar, and one of the most famous examples of foods that are usually supplied with vitamin D:


Milk and its various derivatives

Orange juice.

Breakfast Cereal.


What are other sources of vitamin D?

In addition to foods that contain vitamin D, sunlight is one of the most important natural sources of vitamin D, as it is important for its manufacture, so it is recommended that you spend time in the sun daily to get your need for vitamin D. The duration of sun exposure that is recommended depends on many factors such as skin tone, and air temperature.


It may range between 10-90 minutes, so it is important to consult your doctor to inform you of the appropriate period for you, and it is important to protect yourself during the period of exposure to the sun to avoid exposure to side effects, by using sunscreen with a protection factor of 30 or more, or using a hat For your protection, or sunglasses, and other means of protection


Are natural sources of vitamin D sufficient to compensate for the deficiency?

If you suffer from a vitamin D deficiency, you must determine the degree of deficiency that you suffer from in order to determine the appropriate method of compensation, but usually, you will need to use supplements as well, and you may need supplements as well if you have risk factors for vitamin D deficiency.


Where there are different types of vitamin D supplements, some of which require a prescription, and some that you can buy from a pharmacy without a prescription, but it is always important that you consult a doctor to determine the type of supplement that is appropriate for you according to the degree of deficiency that you suffer from and your health condition, and also to determine for you The appropriate dose of these supplements, and the period of use.


Benefits of vitamin D

The important benefits that vitamin D provides to human health include:

Bone health: Vitamin D is important for regulating calcium and maintaining phosphorus levels in the blood. The body needs vitamin D to absorb calcium from the intestines. Calcium and phosphorus are important elements for maintaining bone health.


Reducing the risk of developing diabetes: as several studies have shown that there is an inverse relationship between vitamin D levels and the risk of type 2 diabetes, and another study has shown that not obtaining sufficient amounts of vitamin D may negatively affect insulin secretion in patients with diabetes. of the second type.


Reducing the risk of catching colds: One study indicated that giving children 1,200 international units of vitamin D per day for four months during the winter season reduces the risk of contracting influenza.

by more than 40%.


Infant health: One study found that giving children with normal blood pressure 2,000 IU per day of vitamin D significantly reduced arterial stiffness after 16 weeks, compared to children who were given 400 IU.


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