What foods will help those who eat a plant-based diet get pregnant

After my article on the right diet for pregnant women, I received a lot of questions. In particular, I was asked what to eat by those who want to become pregnant and eat exclusively plant-based foods.


Probably, these questions are caused by the suspicious attitude towards vegans in our society, which tends to blame all of their health problems on a plant-based diet. I myself have heard several times that it is difficult to get pregnant without animal protein. Of course, it's impossible to say that a plant-based diet is healthier than a meat-based one: if you eat only potatoes, rice and pasta (basically just plants), it won't do any good.


That's why I decided to write about what should be included in the diet of expectant mothers and fathers to increase the chances of conceiving and giving birth to a healthy child.


Proper reproductive function is inextricably linked to a healthy diet. Foods contain substances that are essential for the production of certain hormones, as well as antioxidants that help protect eggs and sperm from free radicals. That said, there are foods and chemical additives that are unhealthy and can cause fertility problems.


Those who follow a vegan diet need to watch their diet especially carefully to eliminate deficiencies of some vital elements.


Expectant moms (and dads) need to adhere to simple rules.


More greens, vegetables, and fruits

Juicy leafy greens, colorful fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants and micronutrients that help reduce the body's exposure to free radicals from sunlight and exhaust fumes, which can cause damage to reproductive organs, eggs and sperm. Champions among these are blueberries, leafy cabbage and red peppers.


In addition, some green leafy vegetables, spirulina, and citrus fruits contain a lot of folic acid. This is one of the nutrients needed by the body of the expectant mother. It reduces the risk of birth defects in the baby. You should eat at least two servings of fresh fruit and three servings of vegetables daily.

Safe sources of omega-3 and omega-6

These fatty acids are essential for reproductive health - they help with hormone production, reduce inflammation and help regulate the menstrual cycle.


Plant sources of healthy fats include flaxseed oil, hemp seed oil, avocado, sesame seed, nuts, chia seeds, walnuts.


Emphasis on iron.

It is found in asparagus, beans, cooked beans and lentils, buckwheat, green leafy vegetables. By the way, soaking legumes, grains and seeds reduces their phytate content and increases iron assimilation. Iron is critical in fertility issues because it strengthens the body's reproductive functions.


More whole-grain foods

The presence of whole grains in the diet is known to help control weight, which increases the chances of getting pregnant. This is largely due to the fact that fertility problems in women are often related to being overweight.


Cereals are excellent sources of complex carbohydrates, which many call "healthy carbohydrates." Whole-grain bread, quinoa, oatmeal and brown rice provide a gradual flow of sugar into the bloodstream, unlike other sources. This means you don't have to worry about sudden spikes in blood sugar and insulin, which can have a negative effect on fertility.


As few foods that reduce fertility as possible

Try to eliminate or at least minimize alcohol, caffeine, simple carbohydrates, soy products, skimmed foods (the latter are usually loaded with sugar and chemical additives) in your diet.


Fertility boosting superfoods.

These superfoods are especially intense in protecting eggs and sperm and helping to balance hormone production. You can buy quality superfoods at this store.


Maca tubers. Maca is a plant-based superfood from Peru that, among other things, normalizes the endocrine system. Maca is available in capsules, powders and as a tincture, which can be taken every day.


royal jelly. Promotes the formation of healthy eggs and normalizes the reproductive system. Royal jelly is rich in vitamins A, B, C, D and E, and contains minerals, including calcium and iron, and all essential amino acids. It has antibacterial and immune-stimulating properties.


Bee propolis and bee pollen. Bee pollen contains 50% more protein than beef and is rich in vitamins and minerals. Propolis is a powerful immune system stimulant and helps fight inflammation and is effective in treating endometriosis. Available in capsules or added to honey.


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