What happens if you take a breath on Mars?

By itself, this question is devoid of any meaning, because the answer is obvious. But nevertheless, such topics are often the ones that interest readers most of all, so we will analyze it as well.

Of course, you will not be able to take a breath on Mars as well as on Earth, no matter how hard you try. It's all about the difference in atmospheric pressure.

In our body, there are no muscles capable of drawing air into the lungs. And they themselves are light, roughly speaking, simple tanks for storing air, which is delivered to them due to atmospheric pressure.

The lungs work relatively simply. Taking a breath, we increase their volume and as a result, the pressure inside the lungs decreases, which is why they are filled with air from the outside.

But on Mars, things won't be so easy. The atmospheric pressure there is about 0.5% of the pressure of the earth's atmosphere at sea level. In order for a person to be able to inhale, a pressure of at least 40% of the normal earth pressure is necessary, and breathing problems begin as early as 60%.

In addition to the fact that on Mars we will not be able to inhale due to too low pressure, all the air from our lungs, on the contrary, will leave them by itself, equalizing the pressure in the lungs with atmospheric pressure.

At this point, one might think that as soon as the pressure in the lungs equals the atmospheric pressure, a person will finally be able to take the cherished breath. But it was not so, together with the air, the lungs will leave all the water vapor that we need to maintain the vital functions of the lung tissues.

Most likely, the person will be dead even before he has time to take the first breath. But let's imagine that we nevertheless created a room where we pumped gas from the Martian atmosphere to a pressure equal to one Earth's atmosphere. In this case, man will finally be able to take a long-awaited breath of the Martian "air".

Although it is difficult to call it air. After all, it consists of 95% of carbon dioxide, which is toxic to the human body even at a concentration of 4%. One or two breaths of such "air" will not be lethal, after which the person will most likely be very worried about the head, dizziness and nausea will begin.

If you breathe this air a little longer, take 5-8 breaths, then this will lead to an increase in the level of acidity in the blood, which will cause convulsions, loss of consciousness and, as a result, death.


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