What is Webmaster Job

The job of webmaster Have you surely heard about the webmaster trade? If yes perfect you are going to know in this article what are the qualifications, what you need to know to become one if you wish, if not discover it in this article. Being webmaster means website designer, it's a fancy job.When you go on Google and start a search you will find several websites each of which is written by a webmaster, you are surely wondering who can be webmaster?

What qualifications are required to become? I will answer you that everyone can become one, no need to go to college to do the computer sciences, all you need is to be creative, motivated, know how to communicate to written as orally and have the taste of aesthetics. Full of people have become webmaster thanks to a seminar or simply learned alone thanks to Tutorials on YouTube or Sololearn as I did. But what to learn? And what are the tools?

I will answer you that nowadays we just need a computer or smartphone or tablet and an internet connection and finally a CMS, I recommend the WordPress CMS if you want to create responsive sites, if you start in the job. Nevertheless, you will need to learn the HTML and the CSS for your site to have a little more style. Follow my blog if you want to learn the basics of Worpress and make some research to improve.

If you want to be a web developer, then you have the way you have to have strong bases in JavaScript, JQuery, Reactjs,PHP or Node.js,MATER In a future article I will talk about this famous specifications that is extremely important in this profession.


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