Chips, higher education, and foam parties lead to poor vision.
British scientists have learned from experience that higher education statistically worsens eyesight twice as often as high school. It's all books and computer screens. Quitting school probably isn't a good idea, so try limiting your time at the monitor and finding hobbies that get you out of the classroom (or office) and into the outdoors.
Your Fingers.
Rubbing your eyes in your sleep damages the thin capillaries around your eyelids, leading to premature skin aging. Even worse is rubbing your eyes after a gust of wind on a sandy beach: foreign bodies can scratch the cornea and cause hypersensitivity to light or an infection that worsens vision.
Avoiding eye exercise
The eyeballs are controlled by muscles. And just like biceps, they need exercise. Staring at a screen from morning to night is like going from the car to the office and wondering why your legs are weak.
If your work involves a computer, be sure to do eye exercises. And make sure that the monitor is not too close to your face (not closer than 30 cm). Every 20 minutes, shift your gaze to something in the distance and then back to something close for 15 seconds. Repeat five times to relieve eye fatigue.
Good weather
Ultraviolet rays are not only bad for your skin, but also for your eyes. You should wear sunglasses not only on bright sunny days: the rays can also be harmful because of clouds, causing cataracts and maculopathy.
Smoking increases your risk of vision loss fourfold and your risk of cataracts threefold, according to Harvard scientists. It's best to quit smoking as soon as possible, but if for some reason you can't, try to eat more green vegetables. The lutein in leafy greens improves night vision, and beta-carotenoids slow retinal aging. Carrots are high in them and even more in leafy cabbage.
Every bag of chips has off the charts salt and omega-6 fatty acids that dry out your eyes and irritate them. The same goes for any salty food. If you can't give up harmful foods completely, at least try to drink more water and eat more oily fish. Water will help remove excess salt from the body, and oily fish contains omega-3 acids, which have a positive effect on moisturizing the eyes.
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